The Think Eat Save Student Challenge

Sensitizing children to the ecological impacts of food waste is important and the Think.Eat.Save Student Challenge is a great example of an powerful educational project. Vast quantities of food are wasted each year and this phenomenon is sadly a part of many western cultures. To help reorient children to this issue, UNEP has launched a new campaign that calls schools and students to start a wasteless revolution.

The campaign challenges students and to find out how much food gets wasted in their schools. Then students are encouraged to organize a project and take action to reduce or eliminate food waste.

Each student is asked to think of the food items that they discard. Then they are asked to multiply these items by the number of students in their school, and the number of schools worldwide. Students are also asked to assess how much food is wasted in their cafeterias and then take action to reduce waste.

The goal is to reduce food waste by sensitizing children to the fact that when they throw away food they are wasting money and the earth’s precious resources.

Students are encouraged to raise awareness among classmates and teachers at their school as well as friends, and families outside of school. Social media also factors prominently in the initiative as students are encouraged to spread the word through their digital networks using the hashtag #ThinkEatSave!

In addition to doing something positive for the sustainability of our planet, winning schools will be awarded cash prizes to further support the initiative. Winners will also gain online exposure.

For more information click here.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

Make sure to see the article titled, "Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources." It contains links to over 200 articles covering everything you need to know about sustainable academics, student's eco-initiatives, green school buildings, and college rankings as well as a wide range of related information and resources.

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