Corporations Go 100% Renewable for Climate Week NYC

During Climate Week NYC, corporations stepped forward with ambitious renewable energy plans. The business leaders that gathered in New York for Climate Week are working to encourage the corporate world to take meaningful action on climate change. As part of a campaign, called RE100, more than a dozen corporations made pledges to derive all of their power from renewable sources of energy in honor of Climate Week NYC.

The RE110 campaign encourages 100 of the world's largest businesses to commit to get all of their power from renewables by 2020. RE100 is convened by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP. RE100 is an action of the WE MEAN BUSINESS coalition.

As explained on RE100 website, "Accelerating the scale up of renewable energy will help us deliver a better, healthier more sustainable world for what will soon be 9 billion people. Renewable energy investment is also a smart business opportunity. In addition to providing clean power for a business, renewable energy investment can provide financial returns compatible with - and in some cases even higher than - other mainstream investment options."

Here is a list of the early signers (IKEA and Swiss Re were the founding sponsors):

FIA Formula E
Reed Elsevier
J. Safra Sarasin
Swiss Re

"We decided on a 100 percent renewable power approach because as a leading wholesale provider of reinsurance and insurance we believe that tackling climate change while meeting the energy needs of a growing and developing world is an urgent matter. This can only be done by improving energy efficiency and switching to low carbon options including renewable energy sources," said Jurg Trub, head of environmental and commodity markets for Swiss Re.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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