Event - Companies and Causes Canada: Plenary Sessions

The first inaugural Companies and Causes Canada Conference will take place on October 28, 2014 at the Toronto Board of Trade.

Here is some of the content you can expect at the forthcoming Company and Causes Canada event. Check out the following six plenary sessions:

1. Unilever may be the world's most forward-thinking multinational corporation when it comes to cause integration and innovation. You'll get the inside, Canadian-centric scoop from the maker of Dove, Becel and Ben & Jerry's from John Coyne.

2. TELUS has won numerous Cause Marketing Halo Awards for campaigns that have raised doing well by doing good to an art form locally, nationally, in stores and in cyberspace. Learn about the business and social punch these cause campaigns pack for TELUS from Jill Schnarr.

3. Point of sale campaigns raise millions each year. But what does it take to avoid donor fatigue and generate brand love with at-cash programs? You'll hear a lively discussion moderated by envelope-pushing Phil Haid (Public, Inc.) with Landon French (Canadian Tire) and John Hartman (Children's Miracle Network Canada).

4. Be the first to hear the results of a brand new, in-depth study of Canadian consumer attitudes toward corporate citizenship programs from Ipsos Reid's Barbara Brooks.

5. Employee engagement may be the biggest buzzword in corporate citizenship today. Learn what it takes to turn "nice to do" programs into strategic powerhouses from Realized Worth's Chris Jarvis.

6. Hear the story about how TerraCycle went from selling worm poop to be the world leader in collecting and re-using non-recyclable, post consumer waste from Albe Zakes.

The early bird rate expires September 19th

Click here to see the speaker line-up. Click here for more information or to register.


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