People's Climate March: Changing the Course of History

We are five days away from the People's Climate March which will take place on September 21. This will be the largest demonstration for action on climate change in world history. People will come together on the streets of New York and cities all across the globe.  The goal is to put pressure on world leaders to take action on global warming and forge a climate agreement.  The People's Climate March takes place two days before the UN Climate Summit which is scheduled for September 23rd in New York City.

Hundreds of thousands of people will be at the March in New York City and thousands of groups will be present. This includes environmental groups of all sizes, businesses, unions, faith groups, schools, social justice groups and parent groups all marching together to demand action on the climate crisis.

The science of climate change is clear, now we need our leaders to muster the political will to act. We must find alternative energy sources because fossil fuels are non-renewable, harmful to our health and damaging our environment. It is time to change our trajectory and start working on consorted effort to manage the climate crisis..

Now is the time to act the world will be watching. We are demanding that our leaders work towards a climate agreement ahead of the meeting of the UN conference of the parties scheduled for 2015 in Paris.

The goal is to show that public opinion on climate change has reached a tipping point and force our politicians to take action.

"This isn't just about getting a bunch of people to New York to march for an hour then go home," said Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club. "This is about making sure that the tipping point in the fight to halt climate disruption tips in the favor of the average citizen and clean energy prosperity, and that the world's leaders see that the support to do so has reached a level that can no longer be ignored."

As explained by Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council, this is "a display of people power that spurs the world to take bold, ambitious action to avert climate chaos."

The movement will not end after the March concludes on September 21, this is just the beginning of mobilizing people. Together we can make a difference. By rallying the climate vote we can alter electoral outcomes in democracies all around the world.  Our current trajectory is perilous, and we are running out of time. Now is the time for us to act so that we can bend the course of history.

For more information click here.  

The Importance of the UN Climate Summit 2014 
University Students Supporting the People's Climate March
Business and the UN Climate Summit 
UN Climate Summit: UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
 The UN Climate Summit: Eight Action Areas
Climate Week NYC: Events and Activities in Support of the UN Climate Summit
Thunderclap: Spreading the Word About the People's Climate March
UN Climate Summit: Thematic Sessions and Programme
Canadian Prime Minister Will Not Attend UN Climate Summit


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  1. LIES.. are BLACK. (climate deniers)
    TRUTH is GREEN. (climate improvers)
