Petitions for Action on Climate Change

There has never been a better time to support efforts to manage climate change. With the upcoming UN Climate Summit on Tuesday, September 23, now is the time to make your voice heard. In addition to the People's Climate March which took place on September 21, a number of organizations are circulating petitions to help amplify the message for the 125 leaders attending the Summit at UN headquarters in New York. Here are petitions from Avaaz and

As explained in the preface to the Avaaz petition, "I can sincerely say this is the most important petition we've ever done." This is the largest Avaaz petition ever, for the only solution: mobilize the world to shift to 100% clean energy.

The Avaaz petition reads as follows:

"Scientists warn us that climate change could accelerate beyond our control, threatening our survival and everything we love. We call on you to keep global temperature rise under the unacceptably dangerous level of 2 degrees C, by phasing out carbon pollution to zero. To achieve this, you must urgently forge realistic global, national and local agreements, to rapidly shift our societies and economies to 100% clean energy by 2050. Do this fairly, with support to the most vulnerable among us. Our world is worth saving and now is our moment to act. But to change everything, we need everyone. Join us."

To sign the Avaaz petition click here.

Another organization at the forefront of climate activism is They plan to bring their demand for climate action to the top leadership of the UN at Tuesday's summit. Their message will be hand-delivered message to top UN climate negotiators.

Stand with the hundreds of thousands who took part in the People's Climate March and tell world leaders that we mean business:

The petition reads as follows:

"I stand with the People's Climate March because I am ready for action, not words. I will take the action necessary to create a world with an economy that works for people and the planet – now. In short, I demand a world safe from destructive fossil fuels, and the ravages of climate change."

To sign the petition click here.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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