India Social Good Summit 2014: Climate Activism in New Delhi Highlights the Role of Social Media in Innovation

The People's Climate March was an historic and unprecedented event that took place in cities all around the world. In India, New Delhi was the hub of climate activism that included the inaugural India Social Good Summit 2014. This event highlighted the role of technology and digital media on global social good initiatives.

This event was organized by UNDP in collaboration with IIT Delhi and it brought together diverse voices who reflected on the role of technology and social media in crafting a better world.

Emphasizing the penetration of social media in our daily lives, Shekhar Kapur, who presented the keynote address, commented: "Social media is changing the way we live and relate to each other. It’s sucking inertia out of the system. Before we know it ideas have spread and taken hold. Today Social media has become a stronger social influencer than films."

The event showcased some of the achievements in the field of low-cost innovative technologies. These include: Devices for the visually impaired, approaches to using open innovation for drug discovery, waterless urinals and the Clean Energy for All program.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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