Event - Renewable Energy World International Conference 2016

This event will take place on December 13 - 15, 2016 at the Orange County Convention Center (North and South Halls) in Orlando Florida.

Renewable Energy World International (formerly Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America) has a proven track record as renewable energy’s leading conference. Featuring insightful discussions and presentations during technical sessions related to technology, markets, business strategies and policy covering the wind, solar, biomass, hydro, geothermal, ocean/tidal/wave, biopower, bio-fuels hydrogen and energy sectors. There has never been a better time to be a part of the exciting, ever-growing world of renewable energy. This conference offers a unique opportunity to network with thousands of experts about the technologies and trends on the forefront of the renewable industry’s future.

As part of Power Generation Week, attendees get access to more than 1,400 companies from all sectors of the industry exhibit each year - plus exposure to more than 20,000 attendees. Displaying a wide variety of products and services, Renewable Energy World International represents a horizontal look at the renewable industry with key emphasis on new solutions and innovations for the future.

Networking is vital and we are offering countless opportunities designed to help attendees maximize their experience with other colleagues and utility professionals. Full attendees have access to the conference sessions for not only Renewable Energy World International, but for POWER-GEN International, and NUCLEAR POWER International. You also have an opportunity to upgrade your registration to gain access to GenForum.

Why Attend
  • See the latest technologies, innovations and trends from over 1,400 exhibitors
  • Learn how to successfully implement these innovations into your operations to cut costs, maximize efficiencies, improve visibility, and reduce risk
  • Network with thousands of other industry professionals
  • Get insight into practical solutions to complex problems, including valuable skills that will better equip you to do your job better
  • Hear from powerful speakers with innovative ways to tackle the latest industry challenges
  • Investigate real-world case studies


The exhibit hall serves as an absolute mecca for face-to-face business in the power generation market. Thousands of our attendees walk through the hall entrance to see products and meet the teams behind them. Our 1,400+ exhibitors are among the highest in quality - and in quantity.

Exhibiting companies can showcase their brands and get results. Get in front of 20,000+ industry professionals from 111 countries. Generate quality leads and reach are concentrated group of targeted decision-makers. 

Tracks and Sessions

Renewable experts will present new solutions and innovations for the future in 5 tracks offering full conference attendees a chance to earn 10 PDH credit hours. The conference sessions are organized into multiple concurrent session tracks, including: Energy Storage Global Markets Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Large Scale Renewables Utility Integration Click here for conference sessions and tracks


Save $105 on your Full Conference Registration when you register. Early Bird Discount Ends Oct. 7. Click here to register.

Event - BSR Conference 2016: Be Bold #BSR16

This event will take place November 1-3, 2016 at the Grand Hyatt in New York, New York. The BSR Conference brings together sustainability leaders and practitioners to build the business of a better world. Now entering its 23rd year, the BSR Conference is one of the world’s most influential sustainability events. This year’s Conference theme—BE BOLD—is a rallying cry for businesses addressing the toughest issues our time. The challenges of building a sustainable future are immense, and will require collaborative, innovative thinking from all sectors of society.

Plenary speakers include: John Browne, Executive Chairman, L1 Energy, Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Ken Powell, Chairman and CEO, General Mills.

There are substantial opportunities to build inclusive, sustainable economies through business leadership and partnerships—and we know that we won’t achieve these goals unless we think big, and think bold. At the BSR Conference 2016 you will hear compelling stories from companies, foundations, big thinkers, and creative doers who are making big bets in building a better world.

Past 2015 speakers included Pam Gill Alabaster, Vice President, Global Corporate Responsibility at Estée Lauder; Daniel T. Bross, Senior Director, Global Corporate Citizenship at Microsoft; Dannielle Campos, Senior Vice President, Philanthropy Director, Global Corporate Social Responsibility at Bank of America; and Shana Ruffus, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility – Environment at Anheuser-Busch, among many others.

The BSR Conference is one of the most important global gatherings dedicated to sustainable business. This November, a global audience of close to 1,000 senior business executives and entrepreneurs from the public sector and civil society will gather in New York to explore emerging trends and innovative solutions to crucial sustainability questions. In addition to unrivaled, inspirational keynote speakers and breakout sessions led by industry luminaries, the BSR Conference offers unparalleled opportunities for networking and creative partnerships in building a just and sustainable world.

BSR is a global nonprofit organization that works with its network of more than 250 member companies and other partners to build a just and sustainable world. From its offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. Learn more about BSR’s 25 years of leadership in sustainability.

To register click here.

"We the People": Obama's DNC Speech Reminds the Nation about the Meaning of Democracy

When President Obama addressed those gathered at the DNC he put forward a vision of America that was in stark contrast to Donald Trump's dark festival the week before. He explained that his administration pulled the country out of recession, decreased the deficit, saved the US auto industry, created 15 million jobs, brought unemployment rate to an 8 year low, and provided health care for millions who could not afford it. However, he did not use the occasion to sell his presidency. Instead he defined the meaning of democracy. He reminded his countrymen what it means to be American. He crushed Trump's nihilism and explained why he was passing the torch to Hilary Clinton.

Here are some excerpts of President Obama's Speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Wednesday night.

I am more optimistic about the future of America than ever before...After decades of talk, we finally began to wean ourselves off foreign oil. We doubled our production of clean energy. We...brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could save this planet for our children.

And through countless acts of quiet courage, America learned that love has no limits, and marriage equality is now a reality across the land.

By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started...yes, we’ve still got more work to do.... We need to keep making...our world more peaceful and sustainable for the next generation.

And that work involves a big choice this November. I think it's fair to say, this is not your typical election. It’s not just a choice between parties or policies; the usual debates between left and right. This is a more fundamental choice -- about who we are as a people, and whether we stay true to this great American experiment in self-government.

Look, we Democrats have always had plenty of differences with the Republican Party, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s precisely this contest of idea that pushes our country forward. But what we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican -- and it sure wasn’t conservative. What we heard was a deeply pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against each other, and turn away from the rest of the world. There were no serious solutions to pressing problems -- just the fanning of resentment, and blame, and anger, and hate.

And that is not the America I know. The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity. The America I know is decent and generous.

And most of all, I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together -- black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; young, old; gay, straight; men, women, folks with disabilities, all pledging allegiance, under the same proud flag, to this big, bold country that we love.

And there is only one candidate in this race who believes in that future, has devoted her life to that future; a mother and a grandmother who would do anything to help our children thrive; a leader with real plans to break down barriers, and blast through glass ceilings, and widen the circle of opportunity to every single American -- the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton.

I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman -- not me, not Bill, nobody -- more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.

And then there’s Donald Trump...Don't boo -- vote.

You know, the Donald is not really a plans guy. He’s not really a facts guy, either. He calls himself a business guy, which is true, but I have to say, I know plenty of businessmen and women who’ve achieved remarkable success without leaving a trail of lawsuits, and unpaid workers, and people feeling like they got cheated.

Does anyone really believe that a guy who’s spent his 70 years on this Earth showing no regard for working people is suddenly going to be your champion? Your voice?

America is already great. America is already strong. And I promise you, our strength, our greatness, does not depend on Donald Trump. In fact, it doesn’t depend on any one person. And that, in the end, may be the biggest difference in this election -- the meaning of our democracy.

Ronald Reagan called America “a shining city on a hill.” Donald Trump calls it “a divided crime scene” that only he can fix. It doesn’t matter to him that illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they’ve been in decades because he’s not actually offering any real solutions to those issues. He’s just offering slogans, and he’s offering fear. He’s betting that if he scares enough people, he might score just enough votes to win this election.

And that's another bet that Donald Trump will lose. And the reason he'll lose it is because he’s selling the American people short. We're not a fragile people. We're not a frightful people. Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order as long as we do things his way. We don’t look to be ruled. Our power comes from those immortal declarations first put to paper right here in Philadelphia all those years ago: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that We the People, can form a more perfect union.

That's who we are. That’s our birthright -- the capacity to shape our own destiny. That’s what drove patriots to choose revolution over tyranny and our GIs to liberate a continent. It’s what gave women the courage to reach for the ballot, and marchers to cross a bridge in Selma, and workers to organize and fight for collective bargaining and better wages.

America has never been about what one person says he’ll do for us. It’s about what can be achieved by us, together through the hard and slow, and sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enduring work of self-government.

Hillary Clinton...understands that even when you’re 100 percent right, getting things done requires compromise; that democracy doesn’t work if we constantly demonize each other. She knows that for progress to happen, we have to listen to each other, and see ourselves in each other, and fight for our principles but also fight to find common ground, no matter how elusive that may sometimes seem.

It can be frustrating, this business of democracy. Trust me, I know. Hillary knows, too. When the other side refuses to compromise, progress can stall. People are hurt by the inaction. Supporters can grow impatient and worry that you’re not trying hard enough; that you’ve maybe sold out. But I promise you, when we keep at it, when we change enough minds, when we deliver enough votes, then progress does happen.

Democracy works, America, but we got to want it -- not just during an election year, but all the days in between.

So if you agree that there’s too much inequality in our economy and too much money in our politics, we all need to be as vocal and as organized and as persistent as Bernie Sanders supporters have been during this election. We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done.

If you want more justice in the justice system, then we’ve all got to vote -- not just for a president, but for mayors, and sheriffs, and state’s attorneys, and state legislators. That's where the criminal law is made. And we’ve got to work with police and protesters until laws and practices are changed. That's how democracy works.

If you want to fight climate change, we’ve got to engage not only young people on college campuses, we've got to reach out to the coal miner who’s worried about taking care of his family, the single mom worried about gas prices.

If you want to protect our kids and our cops from gun violence, we’ve got to get the vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, who agree on things like background checks to be just as vocal and just as determined as the gun lobby that blocks change through every funeral that we hold. That is how change happens.

That’s what happens when we try...not the timid souls who criticize from the sidelines, but someone “who is actually in the arena…who strives valiantly; who errs…but who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement.”

And if you’re serious about our democracy, you can’t afford to stay home just because she might not align with you on every issue. You’ve got to get in the arena with her, because democracy isn’t a spectator sport. America isn’t about “yes, he will.” It’s about “yes, we can.” And we’re going to carry Hillary to victory this fall, because that’s what the moment demands.

And my grandparents explained that folks in these parts, they didn’t like show-offs. They didn’t admire braggarts or bullies. They didn’t respect mean-spiritedness, or folks who were always looking for shortcuts in life. Instead, what they valued were traits like honesty and hard work, kindness, courtesy, humility, responsibility, helping each other out. That’s what they believed in. True things. Things that last. The things we try to teach our kids.

They knew these values were exactly what drew immigrants here, and they believed that the children of those immigrants were just as American as their own, whether they wore a cowboy hat or a yarmulke, a baseball cap or a hijab.

America has changed over the years. But these values that my grandparents taught me -- they haven’t gone anywhere. They’re as strong as ever, still cherished by people of every party, every race, every faith. They live on in each of us. What makes us American, what makes us patriots is what’s in here. That’s what matters.

That’s why anyone who threatens our values, whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end.

That is America. That is America. Those bonds of affection; that common creed. We don’t fear the future; we shape it. We embrace it, as one people, stronger together than we are on our own.

And that is why I have confidence, as I leave this stage tonight, that the Democratic Party is in good hands. My time in this office, it hasn’t fixed everything. As much as we’ve done, there’s still so much I want to do. But for all the tough lessons I’ve had to learn, for all the places where I’ve fallen short -- I’ve told Hillary, and I’ll tell you, what’s picked me back up every single time: It’s been you. The American people.

Time and again, you’ve picked me up. And I hope, sometimes, I picked you up, too. And tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me. Because you're who I was talking about 12 years ago when I talked about hope. It’s been you who fueled my dogged faith in our future, even when the odds were great; even when the road is long. Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope.

America, you've vindicated that hope these past eight years. And now I’m ready to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen. So this year, in this election, I’m asking you to join me -- to reject cynicism and reject fear, and to summon what is best in us; to elect Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States, and show the world we still believe in the promise of this great nation.

Thank you for this incredible journey. Let’s keep it going. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.

Why the Bernie or Bust Movement Gets it Wrong

It is easy to understand the frustration of the politically disenfranchised, however, supporters of the Bernie or Bust initiative are a danger because they feed into the raging inferno of disaffected Americans. However inauthentic, this narrative has been hijacked by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. This is the narrative that enabled him to become the GOP's presidential nominee. Feeding this beast at this point will only embolden those who employ the politics of division and empower those who preach hate.

Eradicating manipulation from politics is important, but for thinking people, ensuring that Trump does not become the commander and chief must be the first order of business. Although Bernie's supporters have legitimate grievances, their failure to oppose Trump is a far greater threat to America's future than the misdeeds of the DNC Chair.

Make no mistake about it, a Trump victory would be a catastrophe. It would be an economic and foreign policy disaster. As Trump explained in his RNC speech, if he wins, he would push us past climate tipping points from which we will not be able to recover. For millions it will be a very personal tragedy. Consider the pleas for those who will die if Trump succeeds in repealing Obamacare.

Bernie supporters don't seem to get it, they walked from Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia to protest Hilary's nomination. At the start of the Democratic National Convention on Monday delegates had to run a gauntlet of angry Bernie Sanders supporters. They screamed insults and vowed that they will not vote for Hillary. Once inside some California delegates were shouting "Lock her up!" a phrase from last week's RNC circus.  Some maintain they will not under any circumstance vote for Hilary others have even threatened to vote for Trump. 

"We're not going to vote for the demon named Hillary because you are threatening us with the devil named Trump," said a Bernie or Bust supporter. If the DNC does not meet their demands, the Bernie or Bust people have promised to organize a massive effort to de-register voters from the party. They could not be more misguided. Bernie's platform is much closer to Hilary's than the Trump's.  If this thinking rules on voting day it will be a Pyrrhic victory.

Borrowing from the term from the UK vote to "Brexit" the European Union, some are calling their withdrawal a "DemExit." This is an appropriate analogy as we now know that the Brexit vote will be costly, and no one will feel the pinch more than people in the UK.  Like those who supported the Brexit vote, the Bernie or Bust campaigners will only fully realize the harm they have done when it is too late.

They obviously aren't listening to their leader anymore. Bernie has been clear, he not only endorsed Hilary he has said point blank on his Twitter feed: "Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign." Bernie himself was booed by his fans on Monday morning, after telling a crowd, "We must vote for Hillary Clinton."

The Democrats are playing right into the Republican's hands and bolstering Trump's populist narrative. It is important to note that when it comes to corruption, Trump is the last person who will actually do something about it. For him it is a campaign slogan, he has done nothing in his life to suggest that he will do anything about corruption if he wins the White House.

Bernie Sanders is indeed a man for our times and his revolutionary campaign should be lauded for contributing the arch of American politics. His leadership on climate and the environment are a godsend. Everyone who rallied behind Bernie and helped to make his ideals part of the Democratic dialogue are to be heralded as a noble part of a great democratic tradition. However inflexible absolutism is an anathema to democracy and spells disaster for the future of America and the world..

No matter how you feel about Hilary, there really is no alternative at this point. As Bernie said in his DNC speech: "By all objective measures, Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. The choice is not even close."

Many aspects of politics are reprehensible and reforms are long overdue. However, the childish tantrums being thrown by Bernie's supporters are a threat to America and the world. Their petulance may help the Republican party's chief buffoon to become commander and chief.

The inherent weakness of Trump's campaign, the absence of real solutions and the politics of fear and division will not be enough to win him a seat in the oval office. To win the presidency he will need help from Democrats. He will need them to sow division and he will need them to stay home on election day. Sadly, wittingly or unwittingly this is a role that the Bernie or Bust people seemed more than happy to play.

As explained by Jackrabbit Pollack, a Bernie supporter and volunteer, "the single-minded, Sanders-or-nothing approach is problematic." 

In at least one respect there is no difference between Trump and the Bernie or Bust camp. Both are defined by close minded absolutism when it comes to supporting their choice for President. Both groups stalwartly refuse to compromise and they wear their opposition like a badge of honor as though it were something to be proud of. Both groups represent what is fundamentally broken not just in politics but in American society.

The system of checks and balances created by the founding fathers are what makes the US democracy great. Compromise is part of the bargain in the American political system. When compromise fails so too does the system that has served the country so well. We have seen how this strategy of obstructionism from elected officials in the Republican party has made it impossible to pass legislation. 

Republican obstructionism is a cancer, and now that cancer appears to be spreading to the Democrats. The Republican party has been hijacked by extremists and Trump is but a byproduct of their dysfunction. The system will completely breakdown if Democrats succumb to the same sort of extremism on the other side.

The first step to fixing America's democracy involves a shift away from the kind of radical polarization we are currently seeing.

Political pragmatism calls us to choose between the candidates we have not the ones we ideally hope for. Life is always about choosing the better of evils perhaps even more so in the world of politics.

The DNC has the most progressive platform in the party's history particularly when it comes to combating climate change. Conversely the RNC has adapted a platform chocked full of hate that will augur destruction on a planetary scale.

At the DNC comic Sarah Silverman, herself a Bernie supporter, succinctly summed it all up when she said, “To the Bernie or bust people, you’re being ridiculous.”  While she said she would be voting for Hilary she also said she continues to be “inspired and moved to action by the ideals set forth by Bernie, who will never stop fighting for us.”

Others realize what is at stake and they have vowed to support Hilary while pushing for change. Actors Danny Glover, Shailene Woodley and Susan Sarandon joined more than 1,000 people for a climate rally, vowing to keep fighting for environmental issues.

Although the Bernie or Bust people are getting a lot of press, the Washington Post reported on a Pew survey which indicates that 90 percent of Bernie supporters will ultimately back Hilary. However, the optics are not great from some of these people. As reported by Rolling Stone, one of Bernie supporter said, I will vote for Hilary, "because I am terrified of Trump; I did my dissertation on Italy, and the similarities to Mussolini are just too much." She then proceeded to scream anti-Hilary slogans at delegates who were on the way into the DNC.

People in the Bernie or Bust movement seem prepared to cut their nose to spite their face. Once the chickens come home to roost they may rue their decision but by then it will be too late.

Bernie used reason and common sense to arrive at a policy platform that resonated with Americans from coast to coast. We must use the same approach to persuade well intentioned folks who are reluctant to support Hilary.

The nomination of Hilary has shattered a glass ceiling, her victory as the first women ever to be nominated to be the President of the United States should be celebrated even if she was not your first choice.

We do not have the luxury of being able to sulk, we simply do not have the time. As Elizabeth Warren said, “When we turn on each other, bankers can run our economy for Wall Street, oil companies can fight off clean energy, and giant corporations can ship the last good jobs overseas.”

The petulance of the Bernie or Bust movement is unconscionable. All thinking people need to rally around the idea that Hilary is our last best hope to save us from a nightmare that includes unbridled environmental destruction and runaway climate change.

Bernie Makes the Case for Unity (DNC Speech Excerpts)

Bernie Sanders delivered a powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) that not only endorsed Hilary Clinton's bid to be the next president of the United States, he delivered a logical rebuke to his supporters who refuse to back Hilary. From the economy to climate change Bernie makes its clear that Hilary is the better choice. He also speaks to the importance of this election and warns us against Democrats who are threatening to stay away from the ballot box this November.

Here are some excerpts from Bernie Sanders' speech at the DNC:

Let me be as clear as I can be. This election is not about, and has never been about, Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders or any of the other candidates who sought the presidency. This election is not about political gossip. Its not about polls. Its not about campaign strategy. Its not about fundraising. Its not about all the things the media spends so much time discussing. 

This election is about and must be about the needs of the American people and the kind of future we create for our children and grandchildren.

based on her ideas and her leadership Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. The choice is not even close.

This election is about overturning Citizens United, one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the history of our country. That decision allows the wealthiest people in America, like the billionaire Koch brothers, to spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying elections and, in the process, undermine American democracy.

Hillary Clinton will nominate justices to the Supreme Court who are prepared to overturn Citizens United and end the movement toward oligarchy in this country. Her Supreme Court appointments will also defend a woman’s right to choose, workers rights, the rights of the LGBT community, the needs of minorities and immigrants and the government’s ability to protect the environment.

If you dont believe this election is important, if you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate and what that would mean to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country.

This election is about climate change, the greatest environmental crisis facing our planet, and the need to leave this world in a way that is healthy and habitable for our kids and future generations. Hillary Clinton is listening to the scientists who tell us that unless we act boldly and transform our energy system in the very near future there will be more drought, more floods, more acidification of the oceans, more rising sea levels. She understands that when we do that we can create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs.

Donald Trump? Well, like most Republicans, he chooses to reject science. He believes that climate change is a "hoax," no need to address it. Hillary Clinton understands that a presidents job is to worry about future generations, not the short-term profits of the fossil fuel industry.

It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues. Thats what this campaign has been about. Thats what democracy is about. But I am happy to tell you that at the Democratic Platform Committee there was a significant coming together between the two campaigns and we produced, by far, the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.

Our job now is to see that platform implemented by a Democratic Senate, a Democratic House and a Hillary Clinton presidency and I am going to do everything I can to make that happen.

Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her here tonight.

Air Pollution Linked to Cognitive Impairment: A Review of the Research Evidence

A growing body of research demonstrates that air pollution affects the brain and causes cognitive deficits. When inhaled, fine particulate matter has been shown to be bad for your heart, lungs and brain. While we have known that air pollution compromises cardiovascular and respiratory health since the 70s, the connection with impaired cognition is a more recent discovery. Inhaled fine particulate matter crosses the blood brain barrier and adversely affects neurons. The research clearly demonstrates that the neurotoxicants contained in air pollution causes neuroinflammation, which can lead to neurodegenerative changes including diminished cognitive performance.

As reviewed in a 2012 paper titled "Smog in our brains," published by the American Psychological Association, the evidence linking air pollution to diminished cognitive abilities is mounting.


Research suggests that there may be a link between dementia and air pollution. A large, prospective study of women published in 2012 makes the case for this connection. The study is called, "Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution and Cognitive Decline in Older Women" and it was published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Lead researcher Jennifer Weuve, MPH, ScD, an assistant professor of internal medicine at Rush Medical College and her colleagues, found that long term exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause and accelerate cognitive decline in older women (age 70 to 81). The researchers found declines in the test scores of older women in general cognition, verbal memory, category fluency, working memory, and attention. These declines were elucidated by pollution levels typically experienced by many individuals in the U.S. The researchers concluded:
"higher levels of exposure to ambient PM are associated with worse cognitive decline. Importantly, these associations were present at levels of PM exposure typical in many areas of the United States. Therefore, if our findings are confirmed in other research, air pollution reduction is a potential means for reducing the future population burden of age-related cognitive decline, and eventually, dementia."
These results corroborate the findings of an earlier study by Melinda Power, a doctoral candidate in epidemiology and environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health. A possible connection between Alzheimer's and air pollution was revealed in research by Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, MD, PhD, a neuropathologist at the University of Montana and the National Institute of Pediatrics in Mexico City. Her research found that dogs that had been exposed to higher levels of air pollution had increased inflammation and pathology compared to the brains of dogs exposed to less-pollution. Her research shows an increase in amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, clumps of proteins which are primary markers for Alzheimer's disease in humans.

In an MRI study Calderón-Garcidueñas found evidence of neuroinflammation associated with air pollution, which disrupts the blood-brain barrier and is a key factor in many central nervous system disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.


There is a body of evidence that suggests children may be most at risk of cognitive impairments due to air pollution. The growing field of neuropediatric air pollution research offers some troubling findings.

Air pollution may even be harmful to the brains of developing children in utero. Frederica Perera, DrPh, at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, and colleagues found that children who had been exposed to higher levels of a certain urban air pollutant (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons a byproduct of burning fossil fuels) while in utero were more likely to experience attention problems and symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

According to Shakira Franco Suglia, ScD, an assistant professor at Boston University's School of Public Health, and her colleagues, children who were exposed to high levels of air pollution under-performed control groups on tests of memory and verbal and nonverbal IQ.

Randy Nelson, PhD, a professor of neuroscience at the Ohio State University, doctoral student Laura Fonken and colleagues found that mice exposed to high levels of fine particulate air pollution took longer to learn a maze task and made more mistakes than mice who had not been exposed to air pollution. These mice also showed signs of depression. Nelson also discovered less dendritic complexity in the hippocampus of mice exposed to air pollution. The hippocampus is a region of the brain known to play a role in memory. 

Other research shows high school absentee rates and lower test result scores in children exposed to high levels of air pollution. This result was borne out even when controlled for socioeconomic differences and other confounding variables.

Calderón-Garcidueñas' MRI study found higher inflammation and damaged tissues in the prefrontal cortex of children exposed to high levels of air pollution. The kids exposed to less air pollution performed better on tests of memory, cognition and intelligence than the kids who had high exposure.

This research is corroborated by a 2014 paper called, "The Impact of Short Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution on Cognitive Performance and Human Capital Formation" by Victor Lavy, Avraham Ebenstein and Sefi Roth. These researchers found that exposure to fine particulate matter and carbon monoxide decreased standardized test scores among Israeli high school students.

A 2015 study published in Medical Daily found that air pollution slows cognitive development in children due to brain inflammation. This study explored the cognitive functioning of Spanish students who attend schools adjacent to busy roads. The study's lead author Dr. Jordi Sunyer, from the University of Barcelona, said air pollution results in chronic low-grade brain inflammation, which delays brain maturation. Sunyer and colleagues found deficits in working memory, superior working memory, and attentiveness.

A 2016 study reviews emerging evidence showing the relationship between air pollution exposure and neural, behavioral and cognitive changes in children. This research suggests that the breakdown of natural barriers (nasal, gut, lung, epithelial, and blood-brain barrier) allow the passage of toxic particles into the body of young people. This can cause neuroinflammation which contributes to cell loss within the central nervous system. The researchers hypothesize that this is a crucial mechanism by which cognitive deficits may arise.

More study

Much of current research and policy efforts link air pollution to respiratory and cardiovascular disease, however, we now have good reason to add cognitive deficits to the list of adverse impacts.

"This should be taken seriously," says Paul Mohai, PhD, a professor in the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and the Environment who has studied the link between air pollution and academic performance in children. "I don't think the issue has gotten the visibility it deserves."

A collaborative multi-disciplinary approach is required to effectively understand and address the neuroinflammation risks associated with air pollution. An integrated neuroscientific approach to studying these phenomena should incorporate clinical, cognitive, neurophysiological, radiological and epidemiologic research.

Pollution causes increased morbidity and mortality, it also causes cognitive deficits, especially in the young and the elderly. In addition to intellectual problems in the form of cognitive deficits, air pollution has also been linked to a higher risk of depression, suicide and autism. Such pollution may also play a role in behavioral and social problems. The evidence for a wide range of neurocognitive impacts warrants more research.

Source: Global Warming is Real

GOP Platform Augurs Environmental Destruction and Runaway Climate Change

The 2016 Republican platform is an environment destroying climate killer. Party delegates voted to adopt the GOP platform at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week. If the GOP manages to fool the American electorate in November the environment will suffer and climate change will hurtle past irreversible tipping points. In addition to some archaic views on LGBT “conversion therapy,” the Republican platform ignores climate change while advancing policy positions that are harmful to the environment. This document defines the party’s official principles and cements their anti-science reputation. This is not just a matter of ideological differences, the Republican platform is utterly disconnected from even the most rudimentary appreciation of science. Worse still they are knowingly deceitful in their pursuit of self serving political gain. Fossil fuel funded lies have come to be the backbone of party policy. If Republicans take the White House, their platform could very well end civilization as we know it.


Republicans have vowed to put an end to the Obama administration's climate action and kill any hope of imposing a carbon tax. The GOP platform would reverse America's clean energy trajectory by decreasing support for renewables and radically increasing support for fossil fuels. If elected they will remove limitations on fracking and expedite natural gas export terminals. They will also build the Keystone XL and many other pipelines. “We intend to finish that pipeline and others as part of our commitment to North American energy security,” the platform reads. They will also end the clean power plan.

Global climate action

They have vowed to kill the the Paris Climate Agreement and along with it the unprecedented international consensus on climate action. While it will be hard to kill the Paris agreement outright, they have vowed to block US funding for climate action, the Green Climate Fund and the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This would effectively kill the agreement. This is what they did to the Kyoto agreement. The platform explicitly states: “We reject the agendas of both the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.”

EPA (government regulations)

Republicans want to dismantle environmental regulations. If given a mandate by the American people the GOP will eviscerate environmental regulations and enfeeble government regulators.The platform says that if they take power they will "transform the EPA into an independent bipartisan commission, similar to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission." They also want to prevent the EPA from regulating carbon dioxide altogether, effectively taking them out of climate action. This is the same EPA that was created by Richard M. Nixon, the same EPA that fights for clean air and water. The GOP platform disregard its environmental roots by deregulating the kinds of pollution that kill Americans and emasculating any government body that could get in the way.


The courts have been an effective way for citizens and organizations to advance environmental and climate justice. Rulings by judges in the American legal system have helped to pressure the federal government to act in a timely fashion on a range of issues. This proves that no one is above the law not even the government. However, under Republican leadership this would change. The GOP wants to slow these lawsuits. As spelled out in the platform, they want to make it harder to use the courts to push government action.

Parks and public land

The Republican platform will also seek to move powers and responsibilities to the states including parks and public lands. This will mean an end to national parks as states simply do not have the resources to assume responsibility for their upkeep. It could also lead to the widespread exploitation of public lands as a means of gleaning revenues. "Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to the states," the platform reads. "We call upon all national and state leaders and representatives to exert their utmost power and influence to urge the transfer of those lands identified." A Think Progress article explained that this amendment is tantamount to "the indiscriminate and immediate disposal of national public lands."


Humans are not the only ones at risk from the Republican platform. If they get elected the GOP has promised to remove animals like the gray wolf from the endangered species list


In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, Republicans call environmentalists “a self-serving elite,” even though they have proven themselves to be the most self-serving party in American history. And when it comes to serving elites, no one equals the magnanimity of the GOP.

The platform make the following absurd statement: “The environment is too important to be left to radical environmentalists.” It would be far more accurate to say that they environment is far too important to be left to a party that in recent years has consistently put corporate interests, especially those of the fossil fuel industry ahead of the national interest and the well being of Americans.

Republicans have to resort to doublespeak as their platform is at odds with the fact that a majority of Americans accept the veracity of climate change and support clean air and clean water.  

Even if we ignore the numerous repugnant attributes of the Republican presidential nominee, the GOP's party platform is a harmful assortment of anti-science offerings that will doom our environment and our climate. 

Event - The New Energy Future: Webinar and White Paper

This one hour webinar will take place on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Brought to you by Energy Manager Today this webinar with Edison Energy will help you make sense of the changing energy future . In this webinar energy experts will discuss the results of a comprehensive study showing how the energy world is changing at an unprecedented pace, the challenges that brings, and how companies are prevailing. If you are unable to watch the webinar live register anyways and you will be forwarded a followup email with links to the slides and the recording.

The energy world is changing at an unprecedented pace. The way large organizations acquire, manage and use energy is dramatically different today than it was ten years ago. And ten years from now, it will likely be different still, as technology, regulatory and business model innovations continue to yield new opportunities for energy management. So how will we power the world of tomorrow? What kinds of business models will prevail?

Edison Energy through our partners at RED Associates spent more than a year meeting with hundreds of people who have a hand in energy management at large companies and organizations conducting what is perhaps the most comprehensive study ever done on the role of energy in large organizations and the challenges and changes in corporate energy management.

During this informative webinar we will discuss the key findings from our study highlighting how large energy users think about this changing energy landscape and what they are looking for in terms of strategies and solutions to lower their energy costs across their enterprise.

Webinar Speakers

Tom Comstock is the Chief Marketing Officer of Edison Energy. He is responsible for the branding, marketing and strategy of Edison Energy and its portfolio of companies. Most recently, Tom was Vice President of Global Marketing for the Schneider Electric Software business. Prior to Schneider Electric, Tom Comstock has held senior positions at Dassault Systèmes, Apriso Corporation, Brooks Automation/Software, Sequencia Corporation, Promis Systems and Palette Systems.

Tom holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from UCLA, a Master’s degree in Political Science from UC Berkeley, and an MBA from Pepperdine University.

Mikkel Krenchel is a social theorist who helps corporations make better bets on the human behaviors that underpin performance in the marketplace. He has designed and led strategy projects for a wide range of global companies in industries including energy, telecom, healthcare and technology.

Mikkel has deep expertise in applying both qualitative and quantitative research methods to uncover patterns in our social fabric and drive adoption of new ideas, technologies and offerings. In particular, Mikkel has spearheaded many business-to-business projects, building the practice for using human sciences to understand what actually goes on when companies make decisions and adopt new ideas or technologies.

Mikkel has a degree in Sociology and International Studies from Yale University and is a former national team rower.

Click here to register for the webinar.

White Paper: The New Energy Future — Challenges and Opportunities in Corporate Energy Management

Earlier this year Edison International published the results of its market insights study “The New Energy Future – Challenges and Opportunities in Corporate Energy Management”. This research highlighted the challenges facing large energy users, including increasing complexity and cost, greater volatility, rapidly evolving technology choices and increasing environmental concerns.

Click here to download the White Paper.

Trump Promises to Kill Climate Action in RNC Speech: The False Flags of Fear and Division

As the Republican National Convention drew to a close Donald Trump delivered a speech in which he made it clear that he will dismantle US efforts to address climate change all while exacerbating its cause. He wants to get rid of environmental regulations and expand the domestic production of fossil fuels. Here is a succinct analysis of climate and environment related remarks made by Trump during his acceptance speech at the RNC on July 21, 2016.
Trump reiterated his climate destroying policy positions as follows:
"Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation, one of the greatest job killers of them all....we will end and it very quickly. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy...Our steelworkers and are miners are going back to work again."
The RNC of 2016 was a reflection of the Trump campaign and the man himself lots of bluster with little substance. Although Trump tried to suggest that the convention was a success, it was defined more by who did not show up rather than those who did. Despite the talk of unity, it was a convention marked by division and discord. 

While Trump mentioned the crises faced by Americans, he was referring to minor threats compared to the dangers of climate change.  Comparatively speaking, Trump's fear mongering on the subject of domestic terrorism is a false flag as is his reference to attacks against law enforcement. Neither one of these issues is anywhere near as devastating as climate change, let alone what it will be if we fail to act. While climate change kills more than a quarter of a million people annually, the most recent statistics show that 18 Americans were killed by terrorism in 2014. The Guardian reports that except for 2013, last year (2015) there were fewer police fatalities than at any point in the last quarter century. Millions are expected to die each year if we do not address climate change.

Trump said that he will protect the LGBT community from ISIS but who is going to protect them from Republicans? The GOP party platform is the most anti-LGBT position in the party's history. Who will protect African Americans from Republicans? There were fewer African Americans at the 2016 RNC than at any previous convention in over a century.

Trump said, "We will completely rebuild our depleted military." And yet the pentagon and the various branches of America's armed services are saying that we must act on climate change as it represents one of the greatest threats to American security. He also wants to take care of veterans however he fails to mention that they support clean energy.

The urgent need for climate action makes the US election of 2016 critically important.  The misguided frustration of the American people may very well propel Trump to an election victory and if this happens we all will lose.

Like petulant children millions of disaffected Americans want to vent their frustration against the system by making a self defeating choice at the ballot box. Rather than blame the the fossil fuel powered obstructionism of Republicans many ill informed Americans are laying blame equally on both parties.  They are prepared to express their outrage by cutting their nose to spite their face, very much like Britain's Brexit vote. The facts are our only hope, we must believe that reason will prevail and people will see Trump for who he is and what he represents.

Trump concluded his speech by saying, "History is watching us now. It's we don't have much time. We don't have much time. It's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion," He went on to talk about "every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future..." He is right that we don't have much time and he is right that we must rise to the occasion. However the elephant in the room that he and his Republican cohorts fail to mention is climate change. On this, economic and foreign policy issues, a Trump presidency would be an anathema for anyone who dreams of a better life for their children.

History is indeed watching and if Americans vote for this man, they will be voting for an unprecedented disaster that will augur suffering on a scale never before seen.

Trump said that "Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country." he also made the ridiculous and impossible claim that violence will "come to an end" on the first day that he takes office. As Trump explained, "The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead." If he took his own advice he would disqualify himself and his party from vying for the highest office in the land.

Republicans Opposing Trump Say he is Dangerously Unqualified to be President
Climate Action and the Binary Choice between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump
Climate Avoidance, No-shows, Discord and Nepotism Mark the Start of the Republican National Convention
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
GOP Platform Augurs Environmental Destruction and Runaway Climate Change
Trump's Pick for VP Fails to Secure Support from the Koch Brothers (Videos)
Climate Polls Give the GOP Cause for Concern
Climate Change and the US Presidential Election of 2016
Hilary Clinton is our Last Best Hope of Tackling Climate Change
Trump Takes his First Beating with More to Come
A Trump Presidency Would Kill Climate Action and Push us Past Irreversible Tipping Points
Trump Could Win and We All Could Lose
Trump Wants to Mine Coal Frack for Gas and Drill for Oil
Climate Doomsday Clock Advances as Trump Wins the Republican Nomination
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
Trump is Unelectable So Say the Koch Brothers and Others

Corporate Sustainability in 2016: The Rise of the CSO

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) enable businesses to reduce their costs by being more efficient, build social capital by being more responsible and earn more revenues by offering products and services that customers find socially or environmentally attractive. There are also a host of ancillary benefits including enhanced employee recruitment and retention. One of the most cogent reasons why businesses are getting serious about sustainability has to do with risk mitigation. Sustainability helps to insulate a firm from the legal and business threats that include new regulatory environments and possible supply chain disruptions due to things like extreme weather or resource scarcity.

A number of studies have made the business case for adopting sustainability. In the wake of the Paris Climate Agreement sustainability has reached a tipping point. For years now many schools are offering CSO training.

There are a host of new expectations from government regulators, supply chain partners and consumers. This means that companies must now put forward a wide range of sustainability objectives and show that they are meeting these commitments through detailed reporting and transparency. Sustainability is also becoming synonymous with competitiveness. Sustainability also lends legitimacy to profitability.

To help realize these aspirations organizations need dedicated personnel and a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) is the individual that is most often charged with overseeing these responsibilities. CSOs function alongside the chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO) and chief technology officer (CTO). Some organizations have been working with a CSO for more than a decade. They tend to focus on compliance and environmental health and safety, corporate affairs, marketing, and community relations.

Sustainability marketing and public relations in the absence of organizational efforts led by a CSO can make a firm vulnerable to charges of Greenwash. Saying without doing comes with serious reputational risks. That is why integrating CSOs into the formal organizational structure is so important. CSOs go beyond simple legal compliance as they work to integrate sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) into a firm's DNA.

Organizations commonly start with compliance and then move to issues related to cost efficiency that offer direct financial benefits, they then include things like emissions reduction initiatives. Ultimately the responsibilities of a CSO is about accountability and this extends to a corporation's core values.

The sustainability imperative is driven by the powerful logic of market dictates, However, a book titled Connect: How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically with Society indicates that many corporate executives still don't fully appreciate the extent to which CSR and sustainability can drive bottom line success or even address societal problems.

You need only look at the costs associated with Volkswagen's epic greenwash to realize that there are serious consequences to bad corporate behavior.

According to Ethical Corporation's “State of Responsible Business Report 2016” more than 7 in 10 corporate/brand respondents said that their CEO is convinced of the value of sustainability. The report also says that there has been a 9 percent increase in those who feel that sustainability is integrated into broader business strategies.

When it is done well (which often implies the involvement of a dedicated CSO), sustainability has been proven to be profitable. In 2016 sustainability is not is a choice it is a competitive necessity and a strategic imperative.

Climate Avoidance, No-shows, Discord and Nepotism Mark the Start of the Republican National Convention

As an omen of what is to come, the Trump motorcade had an accident on the way to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. A Trump presidency would not only be calamitous for the economy it would likely push us past climate tipping points. Trump has indicated that he will double down on fossil fuels and this means that if Trump wins we all lose

There continues to be determined focused resistance to Trump's Presidential bid from almost all quarters of American society. The small but growing number of Republicans who accept climate science will not be at the convention along with a surprising number of others. Trump has little support from Hispanics, blacks, millennials and women.

Women and minorities tried to shine some light into the proceedings with an art installation focusing on the value of progressive women's voices. The artist behind the project, Spencer Tunick, said the installation was a way for people to positively channel “their anger through art against the hateful repressive rhetoric of many in the Republican party.”

The 2016 Republican National Convention is noteworthy more for who is not attending than for those who are speaking. The speakers lineup is composed largely of Trump family and friends. Conspicuously absent are a bevy of GOP stars including John McCain, Mitt Romney, George Bush (junior and senior), John Kasich.

Although Trump does not have the support of political insiders, he does enjoy support from a number of other groups including white supremacists and bikers. There was also an armed group of Trump supporters who stood outside the convention hall ready to shoot "thugs" who get too uppity.

The list of speakers says it all. Instead of the kind of political thinkers that normally speak at these conventions, Trump has lined up an assortment of supermodels, soap opera stars and reality television personalities.

One of the highlights is Willie Robertson, CEO of Duck Commander and star of Duck Dynasty. Although speakers like Robertson may lack political acumen, his show has good ratings and he is nothing short of a god to rednecks.

Although some Republicans are trying to convey party unity, many delegates do not appear to have gotten the memo. The #NeverTrump contingent, headed by Utah senator Mike Lee, drove the Republican leadership from the podium on the first day of the convention. Those who continue to oppose Trump claimed they had secured signatures from a majority of delegates from 9 different states or territories to keep their hope of dumping Trump alive. The powers that be refused to hear their pleas. The effort to depose Trump as the party's nominee is far from settled. As frustrated Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh said on the convention floor, "you will see more insurgency, because, and I have nothing to do with the fact that people now know that their voices were squelched."

Republican delegates did however pass the party's platform which is in stark contrast to the progressive climate and environment platform passed by Democrats. One of the planks of the GOP's climate destroying platform is borrowed directly from the Clean Coal Coalition. It involves the absurd notion that coal is an “abundant, clean, affordable, reliable domestic energy resource.”

As reviewed in a Progressive Pulse fact checking post, not only is coal a major driver of climate change it is also responsible for air pollution.

"From the mine to the pit, from the ash pond to the smokestack, coal is in reality, a very dirty form of energy. Coal-fired power plants are the biggest emitters of mercury and arsenic. They also emit numerous hazardous compounds, some of them cancer-causing, plus sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which help form acid rain."

The convention, like Trump's campaign, is fueled by the rage of old, ignorant white men.

Republicans Opposing Trump Say he is Dangerously Unqualified to be President
Climate Action and the Binary Choice between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump
Trump Promises to Kill Climate Action in RNC Speech: The False Flags of Fear and Division
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
GOP Platform Augurs Environmental Destruction and Runaway Climate Change
Trump's Pick for VP Fails to Secure Support from the Koch Brothers (Videos)
Climate Polls Give the GOP Cause for Concern
Climate Change and the US Presidential Election of 2016
Hilary Clinton is our Last Best Hope of Tackling Climate Change
Trump Takes his First Beating with More to Come
A Trump Presidency Would Kill Climate Action and Push us Past Irreversible Tipping Points
Trump Could Win and We All Could Lose
Trump Wants to Mine Coal Frack for Gas and Drill for Oil
Climate Doomsday Clock Advances as Trump Wins the Republican Nomination
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
Trump is Unelectable So Say the Koch Brothers and Others

Event- IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016: Planet at the Crossroads

This event is about defining the path to a sustainable future and it will take place on September 1 - 10, 2016 in Hawaii. The theme of this year's event is "planet is at a crossroads." The ecosystems that underpin our economies and provide us food and water are collapsing. Species are becoming extinct at unprecedented rates. Our climate is in crisis. This is all happening on our watch. So what is the world doing about it? The answer is: a whole lot, but not enough and not nearly fast enough.

Attendees to the 2016 IUCN Congress will learn about the latest in conservation and sustainable development from top scientists and experts. You can also share your ideas with Heads of State, CEOs and leaders from NGOs and Indigenous peoples groups, and network with over 5000 conservation and sustainable development professionals from around the world.

This ten-day event starts with the Forum, four days of the world’s largest marketplace of conservation ideas with over a thousand workshops and other sessions. The Forum informs the next five days, the Members’ Assembly. This is where IUCN’s 1300+ government and NGO Member organisations from over 160 countries vote on actions to address some of the world’s most pressing and often controversial conservation and sustainable development challenges.

We live in a time of tremendous change, the nature and extent of which is the subject of intense debate around the world. At the heart of this debate is the clash of immediate human needs with their long-term impacts on the planet’s capacity to support life.

With a timeframe of 15 years, the world has committed to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals – an ambitious agenda for improving human living conditions for all. There is a real sense of urgency in this call to action, as many believe there is a closing window of opportunity to effect meaningful change in Humanity’s trajectory. Our future will be decided by the choices we make now.

The current debate is framed by two competing narratives. One is a pessimistic view of our future which claims that it is already too late to avoid catastrophe, and therefore we must now focus on survival and recovery. This leaves people in despair. The other is a stubborn optimism arguing that Humanity has faced and overcome many great challenges in the past and will continue to do so. This risks indifference and denial.

But there is a viable alternative approach – one that stresses that nature conservation and human progress are not mutually exclusive. Facing tremendous forces of transformation such as climate change and socioeconomic inequality, there are credible and accessible political, economic, cultural and technological choices that can promote general welfare in ways that support and even enhance our planet’s natural assets.

For the alternative path to be credible and viable, we need new partnerships across the planet, between governments, NGOs, conservationists, scientists, consumers, producers, urban planners, entrepreneurs, grassroots and indigenous organisations and financial backers. Each partner holds a vital piece of the puzzle – the knowledge, the tools, the resources. We need to bring these pieces together, and collectively complete the greatest puzzle ever attempted: to secure Nature’s support systems so that Humanity and the greater community of life may continue to prosper on Earth. This is our collective challenge for the next 15 years, and this is the invitation that the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016 is offering to the world.

In 2015, almost 200 nations agreed on ambitious goals for sustainable development and achieving climate neutrality. These agreements represent an historic opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people around the globe and put nature at the heart of our decisions. It’s time to move these agreements into action.

Our window of opportunity is closing. Time is not on our side. The success of these agreements depends on how quickly we turn them into sustainable action. Business as usual is not an option.We must take action now. This is the moment to get it right. Come, be part of the action.

For the programme, speakers list and more click here.
To register for this event click here.

Trump's Pick for VP Fails to Secure Support from the Koch Brothers (Videos)

The Republican presidential nominee's choice of VP suggests that the Trump camp may have been hoping to secure support from conservative Christians and the Koch brothers (David and Charles). Earlier this week Donald Trump unceremoniously revealed that Michael Richard "Mike" Pence as his pick for his Vice Presidential running-mate.

Pence is a climate denier and supporter of dirty energy who has sat in the House of Representatives where he amassed an anti-climate and anti-environment voting record.  He has been the governor of Indiana since 2013 where he has been a vocal critic of the Clean Power Plan.

Climate denier supporter of dirty energy

Pence is not overly delicate on the subject of climate change, in fact he has dismissed it as a hoax. In 2001 he explained that he did not agree with the scientific consensus on climate change, he added that the Earth was “actually cooler than it was 50 years ago and that global warming was a “myth.”

“Global warming is a myth...The [Kyoto] global warming treaty is a disaster. There, I said it … The chant is ‘the sky is warming! the sky is warming!’. The only problem is that many Americans, including Vice President Al Gore, didn’t learn of their deceit the last time around and are buying this new bit hook, line and sinker....I think the quiet expansion of the liberal environmentalist agenda by Al Gore and Clinton White House that will cost thousands of jobs could be more important. Say no to the global warming treaty.”

In 2009, he told MSNBC, “I’m all for clean coal technology." In the same interview, he insisted the science of climate change is “very mixed” and he claimed that in “the mainstream media, there is a denial of the growing skepticism in the scientific community on global warming.”

In a 2014 interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, Pence said that he didn’t think the science of climate change was “resolved,” he supported his statement with the observation that Indiana had a “tough winter” that year.

"I don't know that that is a resolved issue in science today ... just a few years ago we were talking about global warming. We haven't seen a lot of warming lately. I remember back in the 70's we were talking about the coming ice age."

Here are some other energy and climate comments made by Pence in an interview with Chris Matthews:

Pence even supported more offshore drilling in the wake of BP's deadly explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform and devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. He was also a strong supporter of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Voting record in the House of Representatives

When he was in Congress the League of Conservation Votersreported that he voted 201 times against environmental interests and just 18 times in favor. He twice voted against climate legislation and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Opposition to the Clean Power Plan

Pence does more than just question the existence of climate change he works to thwart national efforts to address it. Pence is one of the governors that sued the federal government over the Clean Power Plan. Released on August 3, 2015, the plan imposes emissions regulations that will cut carbon pollution from power plants by 32 percent by 2030 from levels recorded in 2005. The opposition from Pence comes despite a host of economic and employment benefits. Pence has said that no matter what the outcome of his legal challenge, under his leadership Indiana will not comply with the Clean Power Plan.


As reviewed above, Pence has consistently ignored and derided the science of climate change. In a bid to encourage him to engage in a policy informed by science Indiana scientists came together and drafted a letter to Governor Pence criticizing his stance on climate change.

Koch brothers

In tapping Pence, Trump may have hoped that he could access both funding and big data, however it has not worked. As explained in an NPR article, Pence's ties to the Koch brothers has not won the oil billionaires support for the Republican ticket.

Pence is a climate denier of the first order but what sets him apart from the others on the short list of VP possibles are his close ties to evangelical Christians and the Koch brothers. Pence describes himself as a religious conservative and he is also a supporter of the Tea Party movement. It should be noted that the founding of the Tea Party has been linked to the Koch brothers.

Pence is much loved by the Koch front group Americans For Prosperity (AFP). Two years ago Pence attended the American Dream Summit, the annual grassroots convention organized by the AFP. Pence has made several appearances at other AFP events.

The Koch brothers ties with Pence run deep and go all the way back to 1991 when he became president of the Koch's Indiana Policy Review Foundation. As a member of the House, Pence's chief of staff was Marc Short, who later became president of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce which is a central office of the Koch network. Pence's congressional press aide, Matt Lloyd, went on to become communications director for Koch Industries. Then Lloyd returned to Gov. Pence as a deputy chief of staff.

As Charles Koch said early on in the Republican primaries, Trump is "unelectable." Charles described the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as voting for either “cancer or a heart attack.” The Koch brothers disdain for Trump is a serious obstacle to the Republican presidential bid in 2016.

Although David Koch has reportedly given Pence hundreds of thousands of dollars, he has withdrawn a million dollar donation to the Republican National Convention because Trump is the party’s nominee. 

Choosing Pence may have been an attempt by Trump to access to the Koch brothers i360 voter data, which is replacing the RNC voter data platform. Trump has been banned from using the Koch brothers big data project. Trump desperately needs access to this sophisticated machinery as he has no ground game of his own.

In selecting Pence the Trump campaign hoped to tap into the $900 million that the Koch network has earmarked to influence outcomes in this election cycle.

However, a terse email from Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis appears to indicate that the Trump camp's strategy has failed. As explained in the email: "We are not engaging in the presidential. Our focus will remain on the Senate."

Failure to secure support from the Koch brothers is a disastrous blow to the Trump campaign.

Republicans Opposing Trump Say he is Dangerously Unqualified to be President
Climate Action and the Binary Choice between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump
Trump Promises to Kill Climate Action in RNC Speech: The False Flags of Fear and Division
Climate Avoidance, No-shows, Discord and Nepotism Mark the Start of the Republican National Convention
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
GOP Platform Augurs Environmental Destruction and Runaway Climate Change
Climate Polls Give the GOP Cause for Concern
Climate Change and the US Presidential Election of 2016
Hilary Clinton is our Last Best Hope of Tackling Climate Change
Trump Takes his First Beating with More to Come
A Trump Presidency Would Kill Climate Action and Push us Past Irreversible Tipping Points
Trump Could Win and We All Could Lose
Trump Wants to Mine Coal Frack for Gas and Drill for Oil
Climate Doomsday Clock Advances as Trump Wins the Republican Nomination
Trump's Climate Ignorance Would be Laughable if the Implications weren't so Serious
Trump is Unelectable So Say the Koch Brothers and Others

Climate Polls Give the GOP Cause for Concern

Polls show that Republican voters have a small but growing interest in climate change and this may prove to be a troubling trend for the party. The GOP is now synonymous with being apologetically irrational on environmental and climate issues, but it was not always this way. The anti-science policy stance of Republicans and disagreeable disposition of a large part of their base, are relatively recent phenomena. Less than 2 decades ago there was no difference between Republicans and Democrats on the subject of climate change. Over the last 20 years the GOP has gradually allowed corporate interests, especially the fossil fuel industry, to gain control over party policy. The GOP's corporate servitude effectively excised science from the policy making process.
However, Republican pandering to corporate interests has succeeded in churning out an army of anti-science climate deniers.  In 2016, the Republican's irrational crusade continues in earnest under the leadership of the party's presumptive nominee and chief climate denier Donald Trump.

Trump not only disbelieves the mountain of scientific evidence on climate change, if elected president he has promised to ramp-up federal government support for the fossil fuel industry. This means that a Trump presidency will virtually guarantee that we will surpass tipping points from which we will not recover. 

In contrast to Republicans, the Democrats are radically progressive on the climate front and this may help them in November. Led by Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders, the focus on climate change in the Democratic primaries forced Hilary Clinton to adopt a much more robust climate position.  This means that for climate voters Hilary is the only game in town.

Although the prospect of a Trump victory is undeniably terrifying, he is also Hilary's best campaign asset and this bodes well for climate action.  Hilary has already taken advantage of the fact that Trump is vulnerable on the climate issue and she can be expected to hammer the point home throughout the campaign. 

As explained by Grist:
"These are exciting times for climate hawks. After years of having their issue relegated to second-tier status in presidential campaigns, they’re now seeing the Democratic candidates fighting hard over who will be more aggressive in combating climate change and reining in oil, gas, and coal production."
The GOP is a mess and not just because of Trump. In pushing so hard to the right Republicans created the conditions that would ultimately spawn the Tea Party.  Trump's current incarnation is intended to tap into the politics of hate and division that are the Tea Party's life blood. Republicans created  this low-brow electorate and now they have to live with them (and their odious choices).   

It is important to remember that the GOP was not always and anti-environmental party, in fact Republicans have green roots.  There was a time when both parties shared similar views on the issue of climate change. As recently as 1998, a Gallup pole recorded that half of both Republicans and Democrats acknowledged that, “the effects of global warming have already begun.”

Then the fossil fuel industry in concert with the GOP launched clever multilevel assaults on the credibility of climate science. Their climate disinformation machine whittled away at the facts and was reignited in earnest when Barack Obama was elected president in 2012.

In recent years the percentage of Republicans who indicated that they were worried about climate change dropped from almost half to just 13 percent. While Republicans worked on their anti-science denial, Democrats have become more focused on the issue. In 2015, 74 percent of Democrats said increased temperatures are due to human activity, in 2016 that number has risen to 85 percent.

Over the last couple of years polling suggests that some Republicans may be growing weary of the party line. In 2015, 34 percent of Republicans polled said increased temperatures are caused by human activity. In 2016 that figure rose to 38 percent. 

If climate change is an issue in this election cycle, Republicans are in serious trouble. While the GOP was looking for ways to ďump Trump, Democrats were forging a climate policy.  Shortly before formally endorsing Hilary, Sanders played an important role in the creation of the most progressive climate platform in Democratic party's history. Meanwhile, Republicans manged to craft a platform that includes clean coal.  Stark choice indeed.