Video - Fossil of the Day Awards at COP20

The first place Fossil of the Day in Lima at the UN Climate Talks goes to Australia, Belgium, Ireland and Austria for not contributing to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). After a string of encouraging initial contributions to the GCF, it seems a few free-riders within Annex 2 believe they are off the hook on this one. That translates into several billions of dollars missing in the fund’s coffer.

Switzerland earns today’s first place Fossil of the Day for being a big bully. As anyone who listens to civil society or a climate scientist will know, we have to do much more if we want to keep temperature rise to within the internationally agreed threshold of 2degreesC. Predictable public climate finance to help developing countries to scale up their climate actions will help grease the ambition wheel. Switzerland, in an intervention today, not only opposed any legally binding commitments of finance, but also threatened developing countries that any demands for such would jeopardize the outcome here in Lima. Other developed countries, EU and the US came close to earning a fossil too as they didn't exactly paint themselves in glory either when they also strongly rejected commitments on finance.

Australia earns another Fossil Award as the nation's Trade Minister, a self professed climate sceptic told big business leaders that his Government may not sign up to a new global deal if major trade competitors are not doing it to, he said Australia will not "get it in the neck".

Australia wins yet another Fossil of the Day Award for the nation's Ministers who are making some very telling statements at this COP, statements that slip into the realm of willful ignorance.

The US and Japan earn the Fossil of the Day Award for trying to remove adaptation and loss & damage from the ADP Decision text.

The last Fossil of the Day award goes to the Umbrella and LMDC groups of countries who are trying to take us all on a race to the bottom. At this crucial moment Umbrella and LMDC groups are taking extreme positions, avoiding crucial political discussions, and refusing to engage with proposals on the table. We are at a moment in the negotiations where countries need to show political leadership, to rise above narrow self-interest and make progress towards decisions that are for the larger, global good. The second place Fossil is jointly awarded to Ukraine, Russia and Belarus for holding up an agreement on the Doha amendment that now means the KP rules for the second commitment period will be postponed until Paris. Our third place Fossil of the Day goes to Canada who have managed to fly under the radar here in Lima, despite plenty of underhand work stalling the talks and refusing to make any commitments. Canadian negotiators have told observers on the ground in Lima they’re on track to meet 2020 emissions reductions targets - this is a bald-faced lie. Back at home the Canadian government keep pushing to expand the oil industry like its 1899! Pipe-down Canada. The final and most infamous award is the Final Fossil of the day at COP20! This year’s Fossil of the Year Award, goes to Australia who take the Colossal Fossil award for collecting more Fossil awards than any other country here at COP20.


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