Defend the COP 20 Draft Restricting Fossil Fuels

The COP 20 UN climate talks in Lima Peru are tasked with the ambitious goal of crafting a draft for a global climate agreement that is scheduled to be signed next year in Paris (COP 21).

It is widely understood that fossil fuels are the leading cause of climate change. With this in mind negotiators at the UN Climate Talks have proposed a new draft text that addresses the deleterious impacts of the fossil fuel industry.

This draft would force companies like Exxon and Chevron to "cease to exist in their current forms".

Predictably the fossil fuel industry is fighting to continue their wanton destruction of our climate. They want to kill the agreement or at the very least weaken it substantially.

In an effort to stop the fossil fuel industry, has organized a petition that will be delivered to climate negotiators in Lima this week. Its aim is to get the foxes out of the hen-house (ie remove the fossil fuel industry from climate talks).

By removing the fossil fuel industry from climate talks it would free world leaders to act.

To sign the petition to ban fossil fuels from climate talks click here.


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