Green Tuesday has What it Takes to Endure

In addition to Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday there is another lesser known up-and-coming consumer day called Green Tuesday. This day is an Eco-extension of Cyber-Monday. It was originally launched by the non-profit group Green America in 2011 to help raise the profile of environmentally friendly deals online.

Buying online has been demonstrated to have a smaller environmental footprint. We are seeing strong evidence to support the idea that online holiday shopping is increasing. So the idea of partnering greener products with online buying is a match made in heaven.

Although the day is celebrated on the Tuesday after Cyber Monday, it is actually the launch of a greener shopping period that extends all the way through December. It intended as a leisurely shopping opportunity as opposed to the buying frenzy of Black Friday.

Green Tuesday may not yet have the popularity of some other shopping days, but because it is online and it focuses on more sustainable products, it has the inside track to endure and overtake both Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


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