Cyber Monday: More Sustainable Shopping

In 2013 one billion dollars was spent online on Cyber Monday in 2013. This represents an 18 percent increase over 2012 according to comScore. The 2014 totals are expected to be even bigger than the numbers racked up in 2013. This is important as a number of studies indicate that online shopping is a more sustainable alternative to in-store shopping. Online sales are of growing importance and this is forcing almost everyone in business to set up an e-commerce portal. In addition to reflecting the reality of how shoppers are engaging retailers, it is also a less expensive alternative to traditional brick and mortar stores.

Additionally, online sales respond to a growing number of ecologically concerned consumers who are scrutinizing what they buy and how they buy it. For these individuals e-commerce is the way to go. It is the purchasing format of choice for those associated with sustainable goods and services. In addition to being where their clients are, the digital retail environment has lower operating costs to match the smaller footprint compared to traditional retailers.


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