Event - World Green Energy Symposium (WGES) Forum and Showcase

The WGES Forum and Showcase will take place on March 12, 2015, at the University of the District of Columbia in Washington DC. The WGES has earned a global footprint attracting some of the best minds and top decision makers in the field. The WGES is known for its balanced strategic process and its mission to provide a premier technical training program and serve as a world stage for a platform of education and information exchange on new and existing advances in sustainable energy and the economy.

The WGES has earned a track record for attracting world class participants, partners and exhibitors with the latest and greatest sustainable and innovative products and technologies.

The WGES world stage is used as the platform for latest and greatest launches, rollouts, unveiling of incentives and programs, forecasts, policies and actual case studies. WGES has made its mark consecutively since its inception with a program focused on renewable and advanced technology and innovations as the vantage point in the new economy creating and maintaining jobs, contract and exporting opportunities, and new policies leading to economic vitality and a healthier planet.

What You May Expect

1. Top Experts cover well planned agenda of current topics/training for your business and agency in this industry.

2.  New Launches of programs, forecasts and contract opportunities unveiled, new and proposed policies discussed.

3. Case Studies are presented with information detailing when project commenced, obstacles, hurdles & lessons learned, where & how funding was procured, technologies & Innovations & papers are presented.

4. Showcase of latest innovative products, technology, innovations from U.S. and around the globe, matchmaking with primes, local and federal government agencies providing information on procurement & contracting information.

5. Roundtables and One on One discussion opportunities with the top experts in government, business, economy, education, environment.

6. Latest updates on exporting, contracting & jobs; lending and investing opportunities from the experts who attend seeking to invest in technologies.

7. Being part of a unique networking opportunity with top decision makers and a well defined multi-discipline audience of influencers and experts all under one roof at a world event with a proven track record of success.

Who is Invited to Attend
  • Industry Leaders/Officials their Program & Contracting Officers seeking business and/or to procure innovations & technologies,
  • Federal, State, Local Government Officials, Policymakers, Agency Program Managers, Employees & Contracting Specialists seeking to identify, inform, exchange & outreach with public and private sectors within this field,
  • Government Agencies, Government Contractors, Global Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Environmental Organizations & Academia seeking to Partner/Exhibit/Export/Contract or Subcontract/Create Green Jobs,
  • Lenders, Financial Institutions & Investors seeking qualified customers,
  • Engineers, Architects, Program Managers & Developers seeking updates,
  • Manufacturers, R&D and Distributors with new technologies & Innovations,
  • Scientists, Professors, IT Professionals, Researchers & Innovators providing updates/education & information
  • Universities seeking information on jobs & new disciplines,
  • Chambers, Consulates, Trade Organizations....

To register click here.

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