Video - Merchants of Doubt: Fossil Fuel's Devious Climate Denial Strategy

A new documentary exposes how the fossil fuel industry is flexing their corporate might and enlisting devious spin doctors to delay responsible political action on climate change. This film exposes the ways in which science is undermined by pseudo science to advance corporate profits at the expensive of people's well being. Many of these tactics are the same ones used by the tobacco industry to convince the public that cigarettes don't cause cancer or that nicotine is not addictive. These manipulative techniques are now being used to undermine the science of climate change. While the science of climate change is clear, public attitudes are divided. This is because of deceptive campaigns financed by the oil industry. The Merchants of doubt is a documentary from Robert Kenner, the same filmmaker who made the Oscar nominated film Food Inc.

Merchants of Doubt, which was produced by TakePart's parent company, Participant Media, rolled out in select cities on March 6 and nationwide on March 13. Click here to find out more or get the latest updates.


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