Fighting the War Against Climate Change Online

The front lines in the war against climate change are forming and much of the organization is taking place online. We are witnessing an era of unparalleled ecological action. Corporations are inculcating environmental sustainability into their DNA. Grassroots protests and petitions are emerging from every quarter of the real and virtual worlds. We appear to be undergoing a paradigm shift away from the wasteful ways of the past and towards an emerging low carbon economy.

The Internet has been a key driver of collaboration and social media has played a pivotal role helping people and organizations to share constructive solutions.

Al Gore is among those who think that the Internet could play a salient role in the war against climate change. In a recent speech at the South by Southwest Interactive conference the former US vice president called on people to use the power of the social media. Gore advised people to use the Internet to organize their efforts for a healthy environment and to call out politicians who deny climate change.

Gore has been a champion of the fight against climate change for almost a decade. He starred in the Academy Award-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," and he is the founder and chairman of the Climate Reality Project.

Gore's suggestion that we should use the Internet in the war against climate change should come as no surprise as he has deep ties to technology. He is a director on Apple's board and senior partner at the venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers


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