Event - Intercontinental Wind Power Congress (IWPC)

The Intercontinental Wind Power Congress will take place from March 31, 2015 to April 2, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. The Intercontinental Wind Power Congress provides a platform that looks for solutions for the current global energy agenda.

The IWPC Congress in 2015, in istanbul, is hosted by Turkey, and organized through the joint efforts of the Turkish Wind Energy Association (TWEA), the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and the Global Wind Energy Coııncil (GWEC).

As explained by Turkish Minister Taner Yildiz, Wind energy represents one of the most important energy sources of the future and largely preferred by many countries due to its zero cost and emission, high power generation capacity and competitive cost advantages compare to other traditional energy sources.

The data indicates that in parallel with the recent developments in the wind energy sector, installed capacity of wind energy in the world has increased to 12.4% and reached 318 GW in 2013. ît is an inevitable reality that this rapid growth in the sector would be further accelerated in the years ahead.

Turkey's energy policy is shaped towards supply security through the diversification of sources. Within this scope, the target is to increase the share of renewable resources in power generation up to 30% and to reach 20 GW of installed wind power by 2023. While providing the state support to renewable energy investments through various mechanisms, we are also putting our efforts to meet the requirements of the market by reviewing the legal framework including incentives and support mechanisms for local production.

Turkey holds a significant wind energy potential. We are working towards benefiting from this potential in favour of our economy. Taking the advantage of joining the market recently, we are generating wind power by utilizing the latest technology. I am confident, that we will be further benefiting from the wind energy in more increasing proportions in the years to come.

For more information click here.


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