A New Collaborative Business Model Expedites Innovation

MBA students and faculty at UC Berkeley have developed a new collaborative business model to expedite the process of bringing clean tech innovations to market. The new model of collaboration helps venture capitalists and corporations to understand that the business case for sustainability is not only about the environment it is about the bottom line. This new model addresses a number of factors that impede the transfer of technology from the research and development to the commercial mainstream.

This work is the product of a new partnership between scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and students of the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative (BERC), an interdisciplinary organization founded by MBA students at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business.

There are a wide range of disciplines contributed to this model, they include business, law, public policy, engineering, and molecular biology.

One of the technologies being explored involves a novel solar-chemical storage device, which represents a breakthrough fabrication method for high-efficiency solid-state photovoltaic devices, and the use of ionic liquids to pre-treat biomass for conversion to biofuel.

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