Event - PA Recycling Market Development Summit: Spotlight on Organics

Recycling Market Development will take place on February 20, 2014 between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn Philadelphia Center City, 1100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA. Markets development programming from organics industry experts blended with peer networking. The Keynote Address will be delivered by Shawn M. Garvin, U.S. EPA Regional Administrator.

Presentation Topics:

Organics Management Initiatives in EPA Region III (Mid-Atlantic)
Update of Food Waste Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Capacity in PA
Waste Reduction, Job Creation and Environmental Protection Through Organics Management
Food Waste Diversion Models for Urban Settings; Organics Management Equipment and Technology Session.

Click here to download the agenda.
Click here to download registration form questions.

For more information email info@parmc.org or call 717-948-6660.

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