White Paper - A Journey in Search of Capitalism 2.0: Blueprints for a Sustainable Economy

This paper is the beginning of a journey that we will take together – a journey in search of a better economic system – a system that creates wealth, opportunity and satisfaction for the greatest number of people.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller

This journey began nearly a year ago; we have reached a milestone with this paper but it is only Step 1. We’ve outlined the general design principles for what we believe to be the basis of a sustainable economy, drawing upon the incredible work of pioneers who have contributed to shape this vision. BUT there is still much work to be done. We seek your feedback – your expertise – your passion – your ideas – to strengthen the framework and how to bring the vision to life. This is how we will give people confidence to move towards something better – a credible and attractive alternative economic ecosystem.

Although we have developed some blueprints for a way forward – a synthesis of what could be – we want to start again; right at the beginning, to work together and co-create a new way forward. We would love to know what you think: What resonates with you? What do you feel passionate about? What should we keep from the old system, and what changes should we seek to influence, going forward? Essentially, we would like to take the first step with you, and kick-off the debate. This will then contribute toward the development of an authentic, bottom-up movement to complement the range of great initiatives already out there.”

We can collectively migrate towards a better way - we can be the change we want to see.

Click here to download the white paper

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