Event - Waste Management & Recycling Exhibition

Waste Management & Recycling Exhibition will take place on March 5 - 7 at the Inter Expo Center in Sophia, Bulgaria. Keeping pace with the market trends and demand ‘Save the Planet’ Exhibition encourages the waste and recycling technology transfer to South-East Europe. The countries in South-East Europe no matter they are EU members or not, they are all aiming in becoming a part of the vision of the European recycling society. The governments across the Region are updating their national legislations and regulations, as well as are modernizing the old infrastructure which includes the creation of regional waste disposal systems, construction and exploitation of large scale waste and wastewater treatment plants, etc.

Most of the countries, EU members, incl. Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, have to meet specific EU objectives. The countries must recycle 50 % of its waste by 2020 and reduce the disposal of biodegradable waste to 25 % of total volume. Commendable is the fact that the rehabilitation of old landfills has been started. The demand for separating -, baling- and recycling machines has been increased and many international companies have entered the Regional market. The increasingly popular process of composting green waste and/or food waste has implemented the interest in composting machines as well, especially in the compost turners.

Keeping pace with the market trends and demand ‘Save the Planet’ Exhibition encourages the waste and recycling technology transfer to South-East Europe. It will provide participants with a quick market entry and opportunity to meet face-to-face state and municipal representatives e.g. government officials, mayors, ecologists; branch associations; investors and entrepreneurs; executives from the sectors: waste management, recycling, ecology and related industry branches.

For more information or to register click here.

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