Burberry & Primark Vow to Stop Using Toxins in the Manufacturing of Clothes

Two British clothing behemoths have agreed to rid their clothes of hazardous chemicals used in their manufacturing processes by 2020. The luxury brand Burberry and retail giant Primark are now on board to help create a toxic-free future. These are but the latest additions to the growing list of companies that have succumbed to Greenpeace’s Detox campaign. Burberry and Primack are the 19th and 20th clothing manufacturers who have agreed to clean up their act.

Thanks to the efforts of thousands of their supporters, Greenpeace has created a wave of action that is improving clothing manufacturing around the world. In addition to street protests, much of Greenpeace's campaign activity has focused on creating a social media storm.

Burberry was inundated by 10,000 tweets from people asking the company cut toxins from their manufacturing process. The brand’s Facebook wall was also flooded with calls for them to clean up their act. Finally, Instagramers sent the message through pictures.

In addition to online efforts, Greenpeace volunteers in 6 countries including Beijing, Jakarta, the Netherlands and Mexico, engaged in direct action at Burberry's retail outlets.

Primark is the most recent global clothing company to commit to Detox. In doing so, they have taken up the challenge laid down to the fashion industry by people around the world to eliminate all hazardous chemicals from their clothes.

© 2014, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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