President Obama's Climate Focused Facebook Launch (Video)

Recently US President Barack Obama launched himself into the world of social media with a Facebook page video about climate action. As he took people on a guided tour of the backyard at the White House he explained how led by the US, the world is coming together for COP21 to try to protect the planet from the ravages of climate change.

"Because of American leadership we have already been able to get 150 countries that represent about 90 percent of the world's economy and carbon emissions to agree that we need to come together to create that international framework...," the President said.

"where going to need you to help us on this." Obama said, "you have got to get engaged about why climate change is so important."

The President's prioritization of his climate agenda became apparent during his 2013 inaugural address and his post-election State of the Union address. However, his ambitious vision crystallized in his historic Georgetown speech in which he laid the foundation for his climate action plan. While President Barack Obama has done many things, his Georgetown address cemented his role as the greenest President in US history.

The President has raised fuel efficiency standards for US cars and trucks and he has used his executive authority to enact change. These executive orders have helped him to execute his climate plan. He launched his clean energy economy in October, 2014, a month later he contributed $3 biillion to the green climate fund. 

In 2015 Obama made it clear that he is acting to move the US away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. First he reduced Shell's Arctic drilling capacity by half, then he effectively shut down drilling in the American Arctic for the foreseeable future. When the President was in Alaska this past September he said that Climate change is a current day problem and he pledged to lead the fight against it. He has launched new renewable energy initiatives and perhaps most importantly he has killed the KXL 

Obama has also sent a message to the business community and White House's Americans Act on Climate campaign has secured the support of almost 100 US companies. However, it is the Clean Power Plan that is the highlight of the President's climate action legacy.


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