Obama Signs Executive Order to Reduce GHGs in the Federal Government and Across their Supply Chain

President Obama is leading by example and significantly reducing the federal government's greenhouse gas emissions. In the first week of November the President signed an executive order that cuts emissions and weaves sustainability into the fabric of the federal government.

The move will cut government greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent and avert 26 million metric tons of GHG emissions by 2025. The White House claims that this will save tax payers up to $18 billion in energy costs and increase the share of federal energy derived from renewables by at least 25 percent.

The new EO also calls for emissions reduction in the federal government's $445 billion supply chain. The sustainability record of the government's major suppliers is already publicly available. The Federal Supplier Greenhouse Gas Management Scorecard documents the emissions of companies in the governments supply chain.

Federal vehicles will reduce their GHGs by 30 percent and federal buildings will improve their energy efficiency by 2.5 percent a year and water intensity in federal buildings will improve by 2 percent a year

For more information about the Executive Order click here.

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