October 2015 Breaks More Heat Records and Corroborates Accelerated Warming

It just keeps getting hotter, almost every month this year has been the warmest in recorded history and October is no exception. Within this trend is an even more alarming concern. The steady increase in recorded departures from the norm.suggests that the warming may be accelerating.

October 2015 was by far the warmest October on record. This is confirmed by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), NOAA and NASA. Until last month we had never recorded a monthly average temperature increase that was more than 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above average.

October was 1.04 degrees Celsius above average for the month. NOAA said that October had the largest monthly global temperature anomaly in 1,630 months of record-keeping. The previous record monthly temperature anomaly was set in September of this year.

To add to the monthly data, NASA says that the period between January and October ranks as the warmest such period in its 136 years of record-keeping. This makes it almost certain that 2015 will be even warmer than 2014, currently the warmest year on record. NOAA, NASA and the UK Met Office, all predict that for the first time in recorded history, 2015 will post an average temperature that is more than one degree above the norm.

We know that the earth is warming and we see that this warming is accelerating. As we head into COP21 we are already halfway to the 2 degrees Celsius upper threshold limit. Even if countries meet their emissions reduction pledges (INDC) we will still surpass the 2 degree threshold. 

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