Event - Global Climate March

The Global Climate March will take place on November 28th and 29th, 2015. People will come together at nearly 2000 locations around the world for a series of marches and peaceful actions. The aim is to draw together the voices of hundreds of thousands of people and leave world leaders in no doubt that there is global support for an ambitious deal that will avert the worst impacts of climate change.

The horrific events in Paris have led to the decision by the French authorities not to allow the march that was planned to go ahead, but there are hundreds of other events around the world. There are marches in Sydney, Oslo, Madrid, Melbourne, Berlin, London, Auckland, Ottawa, Mexico City, Edinburgh, Kampala, and many other cities.

Join the movement for climate justice

This year hundreds of thousands of us — faith groups, trade unions, indigenous groups, women’s and youth organisations, environmental groups, farmers and peasants, community organisations, as well as families and all concerned citizens — are building an unprecedented global mobilisation to demand climate justice. This is an open invitation to get involved — read more below to find out how.

On November 28th and 29th, people around the world will join the Global Climate March to set out their demands on climate the weekend before the Paris summit begins. This weekend of action will kickstart two weeks of actions spanning the duration of the summit, which will culminate in a mass mobilisation in Paris on December 12. This final moment will show world leaders that people will continue to fight for climate bigger, broader and bolder climate action in 2016 and beyond.

Regardless of what the politicians decide in Paris, this year we, the people, are driving the urgency for action everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of us will take to the streets, united for ambitious and real action against climate change. United for a just transition away from fossil fuels and the destruction that they cause. United for fair and people led economic transition based on 100% renewable energy, and on community-led solutions that benefit people and planet alike. United to demand justice and human rights for those most impacted and least responsible for causing climate change, and united for a world where everyone has access to good food, pure water, clean air, and a healthy and dignified life.

To change everything, we need everyone — join the action today and together we can shape our futures and bend the course of history.

Click here to find an event near you.


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