Event - The 100% Possible March for Climate Solutions

The 100% Possible march for climate solutions will take place on Sunday, November 29, 2015 from 1pm to 4pm. The march will start at Ottawa City Hall (Marion Dewar Plaza, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario) and it will end at Parliament Hill.

This event takes place on the eve of the UN Paris Summit and it is shaping up to be the biggest climate action ever in Canada's capital. It will tell the newly elected Liberal government that climate action is a top priority for Canadians. The march in Ottawa is one of hundreds of global climate marches in cities across Canada and around the world.

For Canadians this march is especially timely. After a decade of failed climate action from the Conservatives, Canadians are demanding that the newly elected Prime Minister and his government commit to bold action on climate change. It’s also an opportunity to celebrate climate solutions. The time has come to change the direction of the previous government and increase investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, strengthen environmental regulations, and regulate growing emissions from the tar sands.

The science is clear: We can solve climate change in our lifetimes by decarbonizing our economies — but we must act now.

The economics is clear: Transitioning to 100 percent clean, renewable energy is possible and sustainable industries will create jobs for Canadians and fuel economic resilience.

Justin Trudeau has promised to take ambitious action and lead on climate change. The march intends to tell the new government that true climate leadership means that the nation must build a 100 percent clean economy by 2050.

Thousands of people have already registered for 100% Possible, dozens of buses are being organized from cities across the Ottawa region, and new partners — faith groups, businesses, government unions, students and more — are joining every week.

Click here for more information or to register for the event.


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