Event - Moving Toward a Circular Economy

Progressing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Ontario: Moving Toward a Circular Economy, will take place on Thursday February 5 to Friday February 6, 2015, in Toronto, Ontario. EPR originated in Europe more than 30 years ago and continues to evolve. It is also a pivotal policy needed to further Ontario's waste reduction performance.

Recycling Council of Ontario is hosting a two-day session that provides opportunity to hear the latest information from the European Union (EU) on newly proposed amendments to its waste directives, as well as the research commissioned to inform these amendments. The sessions also provide an opportunity to gather stakeholders from all sectors to discuss the key elements of what should be part of Ontario's new waste reduction and EPR legislation.

Europe's EPR Evolution: Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015: 1 - 5 p.m.

While an EU Directive provides international framework, implementation of the policy for each member state continues to vary. Areas for debate as it relates to EPR continues to focus on issues that include performance, oversight and enforcement, tracking and reporting, and competition. RCO is pleased to welcome leading experts from abroad to share their experience and expertise.

Keynote Speakers

Mr. Mathieu Hestin, Director, BIO by Deloitte, Sustainability Services, Paris, France, to share with us his experience with EPR. Mr. Hestin co-authored Development of Guidance on Extended Producer Responsibility (PDF 3.5 mb) for the European Commission -- the European Union's executive body that proposes legislation for the continent.

Ms. Ursula Denison has been with the renowned German Green Dot system for packaging recycling, Duales System Deutschland GmbH (DSD) since its operational start in 1991. She has since led several strategic projects within DSD involving pricing, market research, brand development, and improvement of customer services; and was actively involved in change management process of DSD during its transformation from a monopoly non-profit organization owned by obliged industry to a private for-profit company in 2005.

Mr. Chris Grove is a Senior Advisor working in the Head Office Waste Team for the Environment Agency (EA). The EA is an executive agency of the UK Government that fulfills an environmental regulatory role. For the past 10 years, Mr. Grove has focused predominantly on Producer Responsibility Regulation, helping shape the regulatory frameworks for packaging, waste electrical & electronic equipment, and batteries.

Networking reception 5 - 6 p.m.
Keynote: 6:30 - 7
Dinner: 7 - 9

Progressing EPR in Ontario: Feb. 6, 2015: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

We move the discussion to Ontario and focus on areas of key importance as it relates to upcoming legislation:

• Performance Standards
• Oversight and Enforcement
• Producer Accountability
• Data Collection and Ownership
• Marketplace Competition
• Change Management

Who Should Attend:

Producers, retailers, policymakers, producer associations and organizations, material management operators, environmental advocates, researchers, academics.

To register click here.


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