Event - Climate Challenges and Opportunities for the Insurance Sector

The event, feeling the heat? Climate challenges and opportunities for the insurance sector will take place on March 24, 2015 at 09:00 (registration from 08:30 am) - 12:30 at the Association of British Insurers (ABI), 51 - 55 Gresham Street, London, UK.

ABI’s half day climate change conference will highlight the associated challenges and opportunities for the insurance industry.

Momentum is building for a global carbon emissions deal in the run up to the UN climate change summit in Paris in December 2015.  

As assumers of property and liability risk, but also as asset managers and investors, UK insurers are simultaneously subject to significant and increasing climate risks, but also have significant opportunities to shape and enable the transition to a low carbon world.

The conference will bring together leading experts from industry and public policy to discuss the following topics:
  • Climate change mitigation
  • What a good outcome in Paris might look like.
  • How the insurance industry can further support the transition to a low carbon economy.
  • Climate change adaptation
  • What needs to be done to further develop climate resilient homes and communities in the UK.
  • The hidden risks and opportunities for the insurance sector that accompany climate change

Confirmed speakers
  • The Rt. Hon. Ed Davey, Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • Paul Evans, CEO, Axa UK introducing
  • Maurice Tulloch, CEO, Aviva UK
  • Daniel Johns, Head of Adaptation, Committee on Climate Change
  • Guy Shrubsole, Energy and Climate Campaigner, Friends of the Earth
  • Swenja Surminski, Senior Research Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE

If you have any questions about the programme contact ABI Events events@abi.org.uk

Click here to register.


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