Conservative Confusion about the Role of Government in Support of Green Jobs

According to traditional conservative doctrine, governments do not create jobs only free markets can do that. However, economists around the world contradict that facile and dated logic. Investment in green job creation is a short term strategy that helps green industries to grow. Helping green industries to achieve economies of scale reduces costs, enhances competitiveness and provides jobs. Government investments also drive innovation.

The jobs creation potential of the green economy is unparallelled and governments all around the world see the wisdom of helping to grow their tax base by supporting green industry. Green-collar jobs are high paying positions that benefit the environment while cutting pollution and reducing waste.

According to Shari Shapiro, associate with Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP, the numbers show that government green stimulus investments are the most cost-effective ways to create jobs.

We are in an era of unprecedented growth in the green market, and this growth will supply millions of jobs. The emergence of green industries will also have a ripple effect that will create countless employment opportunities. These include teaching positions required to train people for their new roles in the emerging green economy.

Governments see green investments as a way of putting people to work and preparing for the future. Governments that fail to support the green economy will fall behind, while those that support green industries will produce jobs and grow their economy.

In the final analysis government support for cleaner more efficient business is a matter of gaining a competitive advantage. Failure to provide such support is a recipe for economic decline.

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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  1. That's rich coming from the American right wing. Think about it - how much money in subsidies have the oil companies received over the years? It must be in the range of hundreds of billions! The right tends to be free market selectively.
