The Natural Step Framework

The Natural Step (TNS)Framework it is a comprehensive model for planning in complex systems. It is openly published and free for all to use. The TNS Framework is based on systems thinking; recognizing that what happens in one part of a system affects every other part. This scientifi­cally rigorous Framework gives organisations the tools to perform a gap analysis using the lens of sustainability, and then work toward closing the gap. Furthermore, The Natural Step Framework complements other sustainability tools and methodologies, such as life cycle analysis or environmental management systems, by providing the context and strategic vision that makes them more effective.

The TNS Framework gives an organisation the tools to look at the whole picture, understand the rules of the game, define success, and move towards it together. It does this by developing a common language and understanding in order to facilitate cooperation. This allows for more effective communications and consensus building to realize a vision.

The TNS Framework uses an upstream approach that anticipates and avoids problems before they occur, rather than reacting to their downstream effects.

The Natural Step Framework has helped hundreds of different organisations around the world integrate sustainable development into their strategic planning and create long lasting transformative change. It is constantly being used, tested, refined and developed.

As the journey toward sustainability is complex, the TNS Framework has created three distinct learning paths. Pick the path that best suits your needs based on your awareness and experience with sustainability and The Natural Step Framework.
  1. For those who are unfamiliar with The Natural Step Framework here is a quick overview.
  2. For those who are somewhat familiar with the Natural Step Framework here is a complete (and quick) perspective to the approach.
  3. For those who already know and understand The Natural Step Framework and would like to go deeper or get an in depth refresher go to deep learning.
To participate in an TNS eLearning visit the learning programmes page here . To learn more about applying the Framework click here.  To contact the Natural Step Framework click here.

© 2012, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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