Green MBA: Green Business Entrepreneurs Success Summit

From April 16 at 8:30pm until April 20 at 6:00pm the Green MBA: Green Business Entrepreneurs Success Summit will take place online. The Free virtual event series is a week long alternative Green MBA – a FREE virtual event designed to take you through the stages of green entrepreneurship, while providing you with practical strategies, tactics, and tools to succeed.

The Green Business Entrepreneurs Success Summit is a week long alternative Green MBA – a FREE virtual event designed to take you through the stages of green entrepreneurship, while providing you with practical strategies, tactics, and tools to succeed.

Whether you are an aspiring green entrepreneur or have a sustainable business you want to take to the next level, you will get valuable information just by attending this event series.

Did you know that “Business for Good” isn’t simply an ideal, it’s a rapidly growing business sector? That’s right. You are not alone.
You are part of a movement of change-making social entrepreneurs using business as a solution to some of the world’s most pressing concerns. You are co-creating a triple bottom line economy that cares about people and the planet, while making a healthy profit. You are a believer in natural capitalism and compassionate commerce.

You care deeply about the world and you know you have unique gifts to offer. You want your life to be a life of service, doing what you love, while helping other people and making the world a better place. You want to unleash your unique genius, make a positive impact, and be well paid for it.

But sometimes it’s hard to break free from the old paradigms:

* You can’t do good and make money at the same time
* If you want to help people, you need to work in a charity
* It’s not possible to do what you love and get paid for it
* You need to make a lot of money at a soul sucking job first so you can give it all away to charity when you are old
* You can’t start a business until you have many years of experience & an MBA
* You can’t succeed in business until you have years of experience & an MBA
* You can’t possibly compete against big companies with the big budgets
* Consumers are not willing to spend more money on eco friendly products
* You have a startup? That’s nice. When are you getting a real job?

It can be lonely being an entrepreneur, because most of the people around you are afraid to take risks. Your friends and family may not support your entrepreneurial endeavors, because they are secretly threatened by your freedom to choose your own destiny. Some of the people close to you may even want to see you fail, because they see it as proof that they made the right choice in choosing mediocrity.

The key to successful entrepreneurship is to never forget your inner power and to surround yourself with equally powerful changemakers. Fortunately, the Internet makes connecting with amazing and inspiring changemakers so much easier!

The Green Business Entrepreneurs Success Summit Will Guide You You Step by Step through the Process of Starting & Growing A Successful Eco Business – from the Comfort of Your Own Home.
No need to travel. No expensive conference fees. No 2 year commitment.

Yet you will get access to the most inspiring entrepreneurs, visionary business leaders, green economy experts, and marketing ninjas who will give you valuable advice on how you launch and grow a successful triple bottom line business.

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, the Green Business Success Summit will give you knowledge, strategies, and tactics to get to the next level in the Green Economy.

If You Are An Aspiring Entrepreneur
The barriers to entry for starting your own business have never been lower, and innovative startup funding sources are accessible anywhere there is an Internet connection. You will discover opportunities in the $300B LOHAS market, learn how to raise venture capital, and uncover funding sources for socially responsible businesses that you never even knew about.

If You Are An Established Green Business Owner
Growing your green business without going crazy seems to be a daily challenge. You will discover new ways to connect with more customers, powerful strategies to effectively communicate your sustainability story, and ninja marketing tactics guaranteed to boost your visibility online, on a bootstrap budget.

If You Are An Sustainability Intrapreneur
Do you want to be the person that drives sustainability initiatives in your company, or contributes to green product innovation? You will be inspired by stories of companies that made a commitment to sustainability, pioneered green innovation and now produce some of the best known eco products on the market.

Who This is For
Established green business owners and green business professionals
Mission driven entrepreneurs who believe in sustainability
Green marketers & green product designers
Forward thinking intrapraneurs driving corporate sustainability initiatives
Early stage green startup entrepreneurs
Aspiring green and social entrepreneurs researching innovative business ideas
Changemakers seeking to unite purpose, passion and profit
What You Will Learn
The Green Business Entrepreneurs Success Summit will take you through step by step through the 5 stages of eco entrepreneurship.

Evaluating the Marketplace
Identifying Your Business Idea
Raising Capital
Growing Your Business
Marketing Your Business
Whether you are an... aspiring green entrepreneur or have a sustainable business you want to take to the next level, you will get valuable information just by attending this event series.

Here's the program:

Monday April 16th | Track 1
The Growth of the Green Economy & Ethical Markets
* What Will It Take to Co-Create a Green Economy?
* The Greening of Mainstream Business In Non-Green Markets
* Ways Sustainable Business is Going Global & Improving Social Conditions
* Hottest Opportunities in the $290 billion US LOHAS Market
* Making Green Sexy: Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Small Green Businesses
* The Hottest Solar Trends & Keys to Selling Solar Online

Tuesday April 17 | Track 2
From Visionary Business Idea
* Keys to Manifesting Entrepreneurial Success Using the Law of Attraction
* Hacking Social Enterprise Business Plan Competitions
* How to Attract VC Investors to Fund Your Social Enterprise
* The Art of Defining Your Niche & Attracting Your Perfect Fit Clients
* How to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Wednesday April 18 | Track 3
To Thriving Green Enterprise
* The New Rules of Green Marketing: What Green Entrepreneurs Need to Know Now
* Small Companies Creating Innovative Green Products
* How to Power Network Your Way to a More Sustainable World
* Online Productivity Tools Every Small Business Should Know About

Thursday April 19th | Track 4
Grow Your Good Business With Social Media Marketing

* Your Small Business Social Media Command Central
* Cracking the Code to Profitable Social Media Marketing As a Small Business
* Your Social Media Launch BluePrint & Advanced Strategies for Savvy Marketers
* Facebook: From Social Time Vortex to Lead Generation Machine
* What it Takes to Build a 6 Figure Business For Good Blogging Empire
* From Green Blog to Green Business – Creative Blog Monetization Strategies

Friday April 20 | Track 5
Internet Marketing for Green & Socially Responsible Businesses

* Creating Your First Small Business Website on a Bootstrap Budget
* WordPress SEO Strategies for Time Strapped Small Businesses
* The Art of Turning Website Visitors Into Adoring Customers
* Why Local SEO Matters for Your Small Green Business
* Grow Your Sustainable Business with Green Affiliate Marketing

Speakers include: KoAnn Vikoren Skrzyniarz, CEO & Founder of Sustainable Life Media & Sustainable Brands Conference; Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director Green America & Green Festivals; Shel Horowitz, Author of Guerilla Marketing Goes Green; Bob Doyle, CEO of Boundless Living & Wealth Beyond Reason; Morgan Morris, Co-Founder of Inspire Green Inc; Tyler Gage, Co-Founder of Runa Amazon Guayusa Tea Company; Kriss Bergethon of Solar Sphere; Tad Hargrave, Founder of Marketing for Hippies; Scott Cooney, Founder of; Jacquie Ottman, Author of The New Rules of Green Marketing; Elena Christopoulos, Executive Director of the Green Chamber of Commerce; Nikki Pava, Co-Founder of EcoTuesday & Founder of Alegria Partners; Lorna Li, Founder of Green Marketing TV & Host of the Entrepreneurs for a Change Podcast; Katrina Heppler, Founder of; JD Lasica, Founder of;; George Kao, Holistic Marketing Coach; Nick Aster, Founder Triple Pundit, Co-Founder TreeHugger; Joost de Valk, Founder; Creator of WordPress SEO Plugin; Rich Brooks, President Flyte New Media; David Mihm, Co-Founder of & Local SEO Consultant; Warren Fligg, Founder Performance-Based Green Affiliate Network; Andrea Vahl, Co-Author of Facebook Marketing for Dummies and more!

For more information or to register click here.


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