Ten Things New Sustainability Managers Need to Know

Those who are tasked to lead their company’s sustainability efforts must be familiar with a wide assortment of issues. What do they need to know? How do they make sense of all the available information?
Network for Sustainability have answered some of the more common questions, and included links to resources that can help. Here are the 10 questions new sustainability managers need to answer.

1. Do sustainability investments pay back?

2. How can we make sustainability part of our corporate culture?

3. How can our supply chain be more competitive and sustainable?

4. Will our customers pay for sustainable products or services?

5. How can I best engage stakeholders?

6. What are the best measurements of my company’s environmental impacts?

7. How can our corporate sustainability practices attract and retain great employees?

8. How can my company mitigate and adapt to climate change?

9. What is business sustainability?

10. How can I find resources on other questions, or find out about new research or research in progress on other issues?

To see the answers these questions, download the PDF here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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