Suffolk University's Green Efforts Include Building Design

Boston's Suffolk University has building projects that incorporate environmentally sound construction processes and sustainable principles in their design. New buildings use water conservation fixtures, energy-efficient lighting and HVAC equipment, and recycled materials. Suffolk’s 10 West Residence Hall, which opened in 2008, received LEED Gold certification.

Other Suffolk University environmental initiatives include composting, biking workshops, and programs that encourage the use of reusable bags and mugs, bottle-less water filtration system, a reuse/donation program and a green event checklist to facilitate more environmentally friendly catered events

Princeton Review has again acknowledges Suffolk University as one of the nation's most environmentally responsible colleges citing coursework and sustainable practices. Suffolk University offers more than 50 courses in sustainability in areas of study ranging from business to law to science.

“Sustainability efforts have become a way of life at Suffolk University as we attend to environmental issues in the classroom, through outreach to faculty and staff, and by revamping our infrastructure,” said Marguerite Dennis, vice president for Enrollment and International Programs.

In 2010, the University’s employee education program on waste reduction and recycling earned a Gold Achievement Award from the Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise Program, and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection recognized Suffolk University as the 2009 WasteWise “Partner of the Year” for its comprehensive recycling and waste-prevention efforts.

To learn more click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved

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