Arrests Mark One of the Largest Acts of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History

At the Ottawa action on September 26th 2011, approximately 200 people were arrested in an act of civil disobedience on parliament hill. These people were protesting the Alberta tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline.

Those arrested included Maude Barlow, Tantoo Cardinal and dozens of other leaders from Canada. People who crossed the police barricade were briefly detained and then set free after being fined.

This was one of the largest climate change focused acts of civil disobedience in Canada in decades. However, the crowd remained peaceful throughout the demonstration.

This action sent a powerful message to lawmakers in Ottawa whose fall parliamentary session coincided with the protest.

As protesters where being arrested on Parliament Hill, interim Liberal leader Bob Rae was asking the Harper's Conservative government to explain its woeful record on the environment and its strategy going forward.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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