Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

Late this summer, mass protests against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline took place in Washington. On Monday September 26th similar protests are planned for Ottawa. Before the Keystone XL protest in Washington came to an end, many people were jailed included leader Bill McKibben. Even NASA's leading scientist was arrested.

People are protesting the pipeline because of the exorbitant amounts of CO2 it will produce. Canadians are protesting because the oppose Canada's growing role as a dirty energy superpower. In addition to GHGs, there is also a very real danger posed by oil spills.

Although many claim the pipeline will provide significant economic benefits, economists at Cornell University have questioned the economics of the pipeline.

Nobel prize laureates are amongst those that oppose the Keystone XL pipeline and religious leaders also have joined the growing resistance to the Keystone XL.

Eleven U.S. and Canadian scientists and environmentalists encouraged people to participate. The call came from Maude Barlow, Wendell Berry, Tom Goldtooth, Danny Glover, James Hansen, Wes Jackson, Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, George Poitras, David Suzuki, and Gus Speth. They asked people to come to Washington D.C. and join in two weeks of non-violent civil disobedience actions to try to stop the tar sands the Keystone XL pipeline. The response was overwhelming.

On September 26th 2011, Canadians will match the courage and determination of those who protested in Washington. People across Canada will converge on Ottawa to help defuse the largest carbon bomb in North America.

For more information or to get involved click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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