Creating Climate Wealth UK Summit

Creating Climate Wealth (CCW) UK summit, will be held at the University College in London (UCL), on September 13 and 14, 2011. The UK is at a low carbon economy crossroads. A ‘transition to 2050’ requires long term planning, huge infrastructure investments and sustained action on many fronts. Yet it also offers an immediate transformational opportunity to create new wealth, jobs and global competitiveness.

CCW London’s goal is to stimulate the flow of capital to clean technologies that can transform the way we live and work today, creating new markets and making billion ton scale carbon reductions.

For the summit agenda click here.

The following delegates are a selection of the some of the people who are attending the London summit:

Founder, BM Design Oy
President, VanDyne Super Turbo
Co-Founder, Ridesharing Institute
Energy Efficiency in Built Environment:

Chief Executive, UK Green Building Council
Executive Director, 10:10
Managing Partner, Plus Ultra Asset Management
Chairman, Ygrene Energy Fund
Head of Energy, Virgin Media
Senior Manager, Deloitte
Financial Innovation:

Project Manager, Volans
Chairman, Environmental Parliament
CEO, Trillion Fund
Renewable Fuels:

Head of Sustainability, Virgin Atlantic
CEO, Paradigm BioAviation
Managing Director, Elsevier
Ships and Shipping:

Director, SCM Services Pty Ltd
Project Manager, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH
Director, First Carbon Solutions
CMO Europe, GE Energy
Technical Director, Intertanko
COO, DK Group
Director, European Cruise Council
Secretary General, SEAaT
Smart Cities:

Sustainability Leader, EcoLab
Lead Technologist Smart Energy Systems , Technology Strategy Board
CEO, Synergy Productions GmbH
Investment Analyst, CIFF
Sustainable Agriculture:

Director, Beyond Carbon
Agricultural Division, Trimble
Business Development, Brightfarms
CEO, Royal Agriculture Society of England
Chief Adviser Renewable Energy and Climate Change, NFO

For more information click here.


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