A Green School is a High Performance School

Green schools are on the rise in America and around the world, but what exactly is a green school? According to Global Green USA, a green school, also known as a high performance school, is a community facility that is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner. Green schools protect occupant health, provide a productive learning environment, connect students to the natural world, increase average daily attendance, reduce operating costs, improve teacher satisfaction and retention, and reduce overall impact to the environment.

Green schools lessen the impact of building construction on the environment and set an example for future generations that environmental quality is essential to our long-term well being. They also have benefits in several key performance areas:

Protect Student and Teacher Health - Schools designed with attention to proper ventilation, material selection, acoustical quality and other indoor environmental factors, can expect improved student and teacher health and higher attendance;

Better Student Performance - Attention to site planning and adequate daylighting can heighten student performance by as much as 25%;

Lower Operating Costs - Operating costs for energy and water can be reduced by 20% to 40%, allowing more money to be used for teacher salaries, textbooks and computers;

Provide a Unique Educational Opportunity - When advanced technology and design in new schools are made visible, buildings can become teaching tools and important features of science, math, and environmental curriculum.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Energy Efficiency: Obama's American Jobs Act and the Green Schools Program

President Obama's American Jobs Act, and programs like Green Schools, leverage efficiency initiatives to make America greener and stronger. In addition to being cost effective, energy efficiency is the quickest way of reducing electric power consumption.

President Obama’s American Jobs Act would modernize schools across the country by making them more energy efficient. This will save energy and reduce the environmental impact of burning fossil fuels. It will also create jobs while saving money.

The President’s proposed $25 billion investment in school infrastructure to modernize at least 35,000 public schools will include funds for “greening and energy efficiency upgrades,” according to a White House fact sheet.

“Energy efficiency upgrades are an essential component of the president’s plan to create jobs by making substantial investments in our nation’s school buildings, some in communities with the highest needs,” said Alliance to Save Energy President Kateri Callahan. “In many schools, energy costs are second only to personnel costs and can far exceed what is spent on textbooks, other supplies and activities critical to learning.”

The Alliance to Save Energy, Green Schools Program educates students about energy and the importance of energy efficiency, as well as trained to use a diagnostic toolkit that assesses the energy usage in their school. The school building becomes a learning lab for students to apply science, math and even language arts to solve a global problem.

Through basic changes in operations, maintenance and individual behavior, schools participating in the Green Schools Program have achieved reductions in energy use of 5 to 15 percent. In addition, the Green Schools Program encourages and equips students to promote the lessons of energy efficiency in their homes and communities.

"Green Schools offer K-12 students high-quality learning opportunities by integrating energy efficiency information into their science, math and language arts curricula." Callahan said. “They aren’t just conserving energy at school, they are learning how to be lifelong stewards of energy savings."

The Alliance to Save Energy indicate that schools can save as much as 15% through no-cost, student-initiated behavior and operations changes. Schools are an ideal context for these efforts because, as noted by Callahan, these energy efficiency lessons are taken out of the classroom and into the wider community.

If passed, the American Jobs Act will partner seamlessly with the Green Schools Program to further efficiency and promote invaluable learning opportunities.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Energy Efficiency with the Green Schools Program

The Alliance’s Green Schools Program helps students to reduce costs by reducing their school's energy consumption. With approximately $6 billion in energy costs each year, there is an enormous amount of possible savings.

Green Schools students are educated about energy and the importance of energy efficiency, as well as trained to use a diagnostic toolkit that assesses the energy usage in their school. The school building becomes a learning lab for students to apply science, math and even language arts to solve a global problem.

Through basic changes in operations, maintenance and individual behavior, schools participating in the Green Schools Program have achieved reductions in energy use of 5 to 15 percent. In addition, the Green Schools Program encourages and equips students to promote the lessons of energy efficiency in their homes and communities.

The Green Schools Program started in 1996 and currently is active in California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Washington, D.C. Funding for the program comes from utility companies, municipalities and school systems.

For more information on the Green Schools Program click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Investing in Education is the Key to Developing the Green Economy

In President Obama's State of the Union Address, he spoke about how America can win the future by out-educating, out-innovating and out-building the rest of the world. The challenge of building the green economy is dependent on well educated students and this depends on government investment.

According to Jack Lew, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, "Getting our fiscal house in order requires shared sacrifice. But even in these tough times, we have a responsibility to make smart investments in our Nation's future. That's why we must invest in innovation to ensure that the jobs and industries of the future are built right here in America. It's why we need to invest in roads, bridges, high-speed rail and high-speed Internet to help our businesses ship their goods and ideas around the world.

Lew shares the President's veiw that "America must invest in education so that all of our children have an opportunity to fulfill their potential. Even though parents are the key to a child's education, we have a responsibility to ensure that America's students are prepared to compete and thrive in the 21st century global economy."

It makes sense to invest in schools because investing in education is the key to the future, while under funding schools is the road to a certain national demise. We cannot create 21st century schools in 19th century classrooms.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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State Department Hearings for the Keystone XL Pipeline

On September 26th, the State Department began a series of hearings on the Keystone XL pipeline. Two very different views were expressed at public meetings in two states on Monday. People in Kansas criticized the Keystone XL pipeline for being environmentally destructive, while people in Texas praised the pipeline.

Kansas Republican Gov. Sam Brownback said that while he supports exploring renewable energy sources like wind and solar, he also supports the Keystone XL pipeline.

Although many want clean air and water, many also want the jobs that are associated with the pipeline. However, you can't have both. Further, increasing oil supplies to the US will diminish the urgency of developing the green energy economy with all the jobs that come with it.

Other meetings are taking place this week in Montana, South Dakota, Oklahoma and Nebraska. In conservative Nebraska there is growing concern about the pipeline's effect on the Ogallala Aquifer which provides water to much of Nebraska and seven other states. A leak from the Keystone XL pipeline would threaten the state's eco-sensitive Sand Hills and pollute the vast Ogallala Aquifer.

While there were several hundred people at the hearings in Texas and Kansas over one thousand attended Nebraska's hearing on September 27th. The state's Republican governor, Dave Heineman, and two senators - Republican Mike Johanns and Democrat Ben Nelson - have led the battle against the pipeline.

A final ruling is expected by the State Department later this year.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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An Invitation to Join the Tar Sands Action in DC on Nov. 6th

This call to action was issued by a diverse group of movement leaders to bring together a massive rally on November 6th in Washington DC. To join the rally, sign up here.

Dear friends—

Once again, we’re sending you another long letter to ask for your help.

It’s been several weeks since the last people got out of jail in Washington DC, at the end of two weeks of civil disobedience that led to 1253 brave people ending up in handcuffs to stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. It was the largest such action in decades, and because of their leadership lots has begun to happen.

#The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu along with seven other Nobel Peace Prize winners wrote a letter to the president asking that he block the pipeline. They acknowledged the actions of those of us in DC, saying: “These brave individuals have spoken movingly about experiencing the power of nonviolence in that time. They represent millions of people whose lives and livelihoods will be affected by construction and operation of the pipeline.”

#At President Obama’s first public speech since the sit-ins ended, a hardy bunch of University of Richmond students unfurled a huge banner demanding that the president veto the pipeline – followed by similar actions in Columbus, Ohio, Raleigh North Carolina, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Wilmington, Delaware and many many others.

#Meeting on the Rosebud Sioux reservation last week, Native tribal leaders from both sides of the border and private land owners from South Dakota and Nebraska signed a ‘Mother Earth Accord’ opposing Keystone XL and the tar sands. These are the people who started this fight; and they’re being joined by everyone right down to Nebraska Cornhusker football fans who booed lustily when a Keystone ad showed up on the Jumbotron at a recent game. The next day the university ended their sponsorship deal with Trans-Canada Pipeline

# Even as we issue this letter, Canadian activists by the hundreds are risking arrest on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and brave protesters are trying to block shipments of heavy equipment to Alberta from Idaho and Montana–these are remarkable signs of continent-wide protest.

#And on the not-so-good-side: huge wildfires driven by the worst drought in Texas history have destroyed towns and killed good people; the biggest rainfalls ever recorded have done similar damage in New Jersey, New York, and Vermont.

So—there’s real momentum for action, and real need. We have less than 90 days to convince the President not to approve the pipeline. So here’s the thing: we need your help again. We need you to keep using your creativity and bodies as a part of this struggle—to fight this fight even though there’s no guarantee of victory.

Here’s the plan, in three stages

1) Most important of all: On Sunday November 6 we will return to Washington. Exactly one year before the election, we want to encircle the whole White House in an act of solemn protest. We need to remind President Obama of the power of the movement that he rode to the White House in 2008. This issue is much bigger than any individual person, President or not, and that we will carry on, with or without him.

We’re not certain this is the right plan. We don’t know if there are the thousands of people that it will take to encircle the White House—we’ve never tried something this ambitious before. And we worry that it’s too earnest and idealistic—that maybe we should be going back to jail. But unlike last time, this time we’re working from a position of strength, and we can firmly but peacefully remind the president that we were the real power behind his campaign. We’re not expecting any arrests at this action, but we are expecting to send an unmistakable, unavoidable message.

2) But we have to start building momentum now with action in our communities. Between now and October 7, the State Department is holding a series of hearings on its flimsy report on Keystone XL. Our colleagues in the environmental movement are doing a good job of organizing for those meetings, including the final one in DC—and we’ll be supporting a rally at the final hearing.

But starting on October 8, we’ll begin a rolling series of actions at key Obama campaign offices around the country. We want these to be a bit bigger and more serious than what’s come before, so we’ll be doing training and providing materials to folks in those communities. We need to make sure that the message gets through to headquarters that people remember the promises from the 2008 campaign and want them kept.

3) We need to keep showing up at the president’s public appearances – just like what’s already been happening on campus after campus, town after town. (We especially like the chant that goes: “Yes We Can…Stop the Pipeline.”). Our organizing team is tracking the president’s every appearance to look for opportunities to act. If the President is coming to your neighborhood, we need you to get his attention. (We’ll help you do that).

We’ve already shown we have the courage and the fortitude for civil disobedience.Now we need to mix it up and show a different side of the campaign. Many of us were sincerely moved by Barack Obama’s campaign for president. We’re not yet ready to concede that his promises were simply the empty talk of politicians. We’re not going to be cynics until we absolutely have no choice.

It will be a beautiful and brave sight, the White House enclosed by the kind of people that put President Obama there. Since he’s said he’ll make up his mind by the end of the year, now’s the time. We know it’s hard to get to Washington, but if you can: this is the moment.

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Nobel Prize Laureates Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline

Arrests Mark One of the Largest Acts of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History

At the Ottawa action on September 26th 2011, approximately 200 people were arrested in an act of civil disobedience on parliament hill. These people were protesting the Alberta tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline.

Those arrested included Maude Barlow, Tantoo Cardinal and dozens of other leaders from Canada. People who crossed the police barricade were briefly detained and then set free after being fined.

This was one of the largest climate change focused acts of civil disobedience in Canada in decades. However, the crowd remained peaceful throughout the demonstration.

This action sent a powerful message to lawmakers in Ottawa whose fall parliamentary session coincided with the protest.

As protesters where being arrested on Parliament Hill, interim Liberal leader Bob Rae was asking the Harper's Conservative government to explain its woeful record on the environment and its strategy going forward.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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US Protests Against the Tar Sands Oil
Canada on Track to be a Dirty Energy Superpower
Oil Spills Add to Concerns about the Keystone XL Pipeline
Nobel Prize Laureates Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline

Supporters of the Ottawa Action Opposing the Tarsands and the Keystone XL Pipeline

A number of high profile organizations and individuals supported the Ottawa Action protesting the Alberta tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline. Here is a summary of the organizations and individuals that endorsed the action in Ottawa.

Organizational Endorsers
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ)
Citizens Climate Lobby (CCLC), Toronto, Sudbury, Red Lake chapters
Erosion, Technology & Concentration (ETC) Group
Global Exchange
Keepers of the Athabasca Watershed Council of the Keepers of the Water
National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)
Peaceful Uprising
Physicians for Global Survival (PGS)
Post Carbon Toronto
Science for Peace
The Ruckus Society
The Tipping Point
Toronto Climate Campaign (TCC)
UK Tar Sands Network
Voice of Women

First Nations Endorsers
Assembly of First Nations
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
Dene Nation
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Unis’tot’en Nations
Wet’suwet’en Nation
Yankton Sioux Tribe
Yinka Dene Alliance

Individual & Celebrity Endorsers
Bill McKibben – Writer, Environmentalist, Founder of 350.org
Bruce Cox – Executive Director, Greenpeace Canada
Clayton Ruby – Criminal Lawyer and Member of the Order of Canada
Dr. Danny Harvey – University of Toronto Professor and Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Dave Bidini – Canadian Musician & Author, Rheostatics, BediniBand, DaveBedini.ca
Dave Thomas – Actor, Writer, Producer, Hoser Doug Mckenzie, SCTV
George Poitras – Mikisew Cree Indigenous First Nation
Gordon Laxer – Professor of Political Economy
Gordon Pinsent – Elder Statesman of Canadian Theatre, Away From Her, Due South
Graeme Gibson – Author and Member of the Order of Canada
Graham Greene – Actor, The Green Mile, Dances with Wolves, Die Hard with a Vengence
Hart Bochnar – Actor, Die Hard
James Biggar – Executive Director, LeadNow.ca
James Hansen – Internationally renown Climate Scientist
James Kamau – Director, Youth Initiative Canada (YIC)
John O’Connor – Medical Doctor
Joseph B. Uehlein – Labor Organizer and Environmentalist
Judy Rebick – Journalist, Political Activist and Feminist.
Kai Nagata – Ex-CTV Bureau Chief and journalist
Kate Vernon – Actress, Battlestar Galactica
Kevin Washbrook – Director, Voters Taking Action on Climate Change (VTACC)
Maude Barlow – Chair, Council of Canadians
Mia Kirshner – Actress, The L World, The Black Dahlia, 24, Vampire Diaries
Naomi Klein – Author and Journalist
Nia Vardalos – Actress, Writer, Producer, My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Peter Keleghan – Actor, 18 to Life, The Newsroom, PolluterHarmony.ca
Shirley Douglas – Canadian television, film and stage Actress and Activist
Tahmoh Penikett – Actress, Battlestar Galactica, Smallville
Tantoo Cardinal – Actress, Dances with Wolves, Member of the Order of Canada
Toghestiy Wet’suwet’en – Wet’suwet’en Nation
Tom Goldtooth – Director, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)
Tony Clarke – Author and Director of the Polaris Institute
Tzeporah Berman – Canadian Author and Activist

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

Ottawa Action Opposing the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline

On Monday, September 26th 2011, more than 1,000 people people came together in Ottawa for a peaceful protest against tar sands oil and the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline will transport toxic tar sands across the continent from Alberta to Texas. If we are to address the climate crisis we need to move away from fossil fuels, particularly tar sands oil.

People from across Canada congregated at 10am at the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill, where final instructions for the sit-in were shared at a solidarity rally.

The solidarity rally at the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill at 10:00 am included statements from a range of speakers. It was also an opportunity to support sit-in participants. Unlike the sit-in, this rally was intended for broader participation and did not involve the risk of arrest.

After the rally, protesters gathered in front of the Canadian Parliament for an act of civil disobedience. Their message to the Harper government: The tar sands are killing First Nations people, polluting the water and contributing unacceptable levels of climate change causing greenhouse gases.

More than 180 people, in groupings of 32 waves are preparing to peacefully cross the police barricade in front of the Centre Block.

Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow spoke momentarily before she joined the first wave of activists to pass over the fence.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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An Invitation to Join the Protest Against the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline
Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

Training for the Tar Sands and Keystone XL Ottawa Action

On Sunday September 25 between 1pm and 8pm there was a training for participants in the September 26th tar sands/Keystone XL civil disobedience.
The training was intended to ensure that people understood the legal implications and practical logistics of the action. The training was mandatory for all participants and it emphasized the importance of non-violent direct action.

In addition to the safety reasons, the training was crucial to make sure that everyone acted together. One of the goals was to build group solidarity and trust for the action.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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An Invitation to Join the Protest Against the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline
Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

An Invitation to Join the Protest Against the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline

"There comes a time…"

There comes a time when you need to take a stand. When sending letters and signing petitions isn't enough. When together we must say, "enough is enough — not on our watch".

That time is now. We must act together for the health of our planet, our air, our water, our climate, and our children.

On September 26th we need you to come to Ottawa to join a historic action to oppose the tar sands. In a large peaceful protest, many will be risking arrest to tell the Harper governmentthat we don’t support his reckless agenda; that we want to turn away from the toxic tar sands industry; and that we oppose the direction he's taking this country.

In the U.S., people by the thousands are taking a stand. From Aug 20th to Sept. 3rd, thousands are pledging to risk arrest in daily acts of civil disobedience to convince President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring dirty tar sands oil to the U.S. On September 26th, we will stand up to Prime Minister Harper to pressure him to stem the tar sands industry at its source.

Tar sands mining and other extreme forms of energy extraction like Arctic drilling, shale fracking, and nuclear power generation send us in the exact opposite direction that we, as a civilization, must go to ensure global survival. If we burn the tar sands, we blot our nation's reputation; if we leave that carbon in the ground, we'll do the world an enormous favour.

On September 26th we are asking you to come to Ottawa to participate in one of the largest acts of civil disobedience on the climate issue that Canada has ever seen.

Be a part of turning Canada away from the toxic tar sands industry. Help forge the future we all want to live in.

If you are interested and willing to take action email ottawaaction@gmail.com or go to www.ottawaaction.ca to sign-up today. It will be a powerful day, and more powerful if you're a part of it.


The Council of Canadians
Greenpeace Canada
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Arrests Mark One of the Largest Acts of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History
Supporters of the Ottawa Action Opposing the Tarsands and the Keystone XL Pipeline
Ottawa Action Opposing the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline
Training for the Tar Sands and Keystone XL Ottawa Action
Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in Washington and Now Ottawa

Late this summer, mass protests against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline took place in Washington. On Monday September 26th similar protests are planned for Ottawa. Before the Keystone XL protest in Washington came to an end, many people were jailed included 350.org leader Bill McKibben. Even NASA's leading scientist was arrested.

People are protesting the pipeline because of the exorbitant amounts of CO2 it will produce. Canadians are protesting because the oppose Canada's growing role as a dirty energy superpower. In addition to GHGs, there is also a very real danger posed by oil spills.

Although many claim the pipeline will provide significant economic benefits, economists at Cornell University have questioned the economics of the pipeline.

Nobel prize laureates are amongst those that oppose the Keystone XL pipeline and religious leaders also have joined the growing resistance to the Keystone XL.

Eleven U.S. and Canadian scientists and environmentalists encouraged people to participate. The call came from Maude Barlow, Wendell Berry, Tom Goldtooth, Danny Glover, James Hansen, Wes Jackson, Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, George Poitras, David Suzuki, and Gus Speth. They asked people to come to Washington D.C. and join in two weeks of non-violent civil disobedience actions to try to stop the tar sands the Keystone XL pipeline. The response was overwhelming.

On September 26th 2011, Canadians will match the courage and determination of those who protested in Washington. People across Canada will converge on Ottawa to help defuse the largest carbon bomb in North America.

For more information or to get involved click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Training for the Tar Sands and Keystone XL Ottawa Action
An Invitation to Join the Protest Against the Tar Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline

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Anti-fracking demonstration at Dag Hammarskjold Park in New York City. This speaker reviewed the dangers associated with natural gas from fracking. The overall issue was climate change and the importance of renewable energy, particularly solar power.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Moving Planet: Beyond Fossil Fuels
Moving Planet Unites the World
Moving Planet Across Canada
Video: Moving Planet at the U.N in New York City

Moving Planet Across Canada

Nearly every province in Canada got involved in Moving Planet. Canadians participated in more than 100 events including a Dene drum circle in Yellowknife, a bike ride in PEI and a massive bicycle march through downtown Vancouver.

The message of Moving Planet is about moving beyond fossil fuels—especially the dirtiest ones known on earth, the Alberta Tar Sands. In the past month, the movement to stop the tar sands—and the Keystone XL pipeline running across the US-Canada border—has taken an incredible turn. People all over the world have been inspired to take action. To commemorate the Moving Planet event, Canadians are showing their commitment to moving beyond fossil fuels.

In Vancouver, friends from Youth for Climate Justice Now and the Wilderness Committee led a massive bike ride through the city to call for better transportation policy in the city.

In Toronto, and in events all across Ontario, communities came together to celebrate the Green Energy Field Day, a day to move beyond fossil fuels and celebrate the province’s steps forward in supporting clean energy. A solar powered rally was held in Queen’s Park.

In Montreal, national partner organizations hosted a sustainable picnic and “kilometre drive” in Jeanne-Mance Park.

In Winnipeg, First Nations leaders guided a sustainable parade through town, followed by speeches and a rally at the legislature.

To find events near you click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

Related Posts
Moving Planet: Beyond Fossil Fuels
Moving Planet Unites the World
Video: Moving Planet at the U.N in New York City
Video: Moving-Planet: Bill McKibben on Solidarity

Moving Planet Unites the World

Global warming is the one problem that affects everyone everywhere. The idea behind Moving Planet is simple, to win the fight against climate change, we need a global movement. Millions of people on different continents and in different languages, sharing the common idea that we need to move beyond fossil fuels.

On September 24th, Moving Planet inspired over 2000 events in more than 175 countries. The event builds local and global power at the same time.

Organizers in Tonga, just West of the International Date Line, officially kicked off the big day with a sunrise ceremony. Indonesia staged a 350-hour bike ride, and in India the Naya Swara Yatra (New Independence Journey) bike team left Nagpur bound for Mumbai with their message, “it’s time to move past fossil fuels”.

The “Eco-lympic torch” took place in Rio de Janeiro via skateboard, foot, and bike. A “human flood” of blue shirts were visible in Cairo, and there was a parade of fuel-free floats across Cape Town.

The climate crisis is serious business -- we know that even right now there are people suffering from drought and floods caused by climate change around the world. Our hearts are with them -- and our bodies are going to be in motion, helping show our neighbors what the future can look like.

Click on the links below for press releases from around the world:

USA | Africa | Middle East | Brasil | América Latina | Pacific | Asia | India | UK | Germany | France

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

Related Posts
Moving Planet: Beyond Fossil Fuels
Moving Planet Across Canada
Video: Moving Planet at the U.N in New York City
Video: Moving-Planet: Bill McKibben on Solidarity

Moving Planet: Beyond Fossil Fuels

On Saturday September 24th 2011, Moving Planet, is bringing people together with the message that we need to move beyond fossil fuels. The event is organized by 350.org which is a movement that does more than just sign petitions. Their members have pushed for action on climate change by protesting in front of the White House and picketing outside of embassies and consulates around the world.

The demands of 350.org are fourfold:
1. Science-based policies to get us back to 350ppm
2. A rapid, just transition to zero carbon emissions.
3. Mobilizing funding for a fair transition to a 350ppm world.
4. Lifting the rights of people over the rights of polluters.

A wide range of events are taking place for Moving Planet, from a massive bike rally in the Philippines to an incredible eco-festival in Philadelphia.

On bike and on foot and on boards, people are pointing the way towards a future free of fossil fuels. Please find or join a local event to get involved, because global warming is the one problem that affects us all.

For more information or to find a local event click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

Related Posts
Moving Planet Unites the World
Moving Planet Across Canada
Video: Moving Planet at the U.N in New York City
Video: Moving-Planet: Bill McKibben on Solidarity

GOP Resorts to Fraud to Ease Passage of Anti-Environment Act

Republicans are working hard to push the TRAIN Act through the House, they have even resorted to fraud to try to ease the bill's passage.On Thursday September 22, the House Energy and Commerce Committee's GOP leadership inaccurately claimed that they have the support of a number of green groups.

Republicans circulated the fraudulent list of more than 100 groups allegedly supporting the TRAIN legislation. The list includes a number of groups that have strongly opposed the bill, including the Texas chapter of Public Citizen, Clean Air Watch, the Clean Air Task Force and Clean Water Action.

“It’s the dirtiest of dirty air acts,” Clean Air Watch President Frank O’Donnell said, referring to the TRAIN Act which would prevent the EPA from doing its job.

“There is no way we would sign a letter in support of the TRAIN Act,” Stuart Ross, the communications director of the Clean Air Task Force said. “The TRAIN Act is one of the most aggressive and toxic bills ever introduced on the floor of the House from an environmental and public health standpoint.”

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Stop the Republicans Anti-Environment TRAIN

On Friday September 23, the US House is expected to bring to the floor the TRAIN Act – one of the most extreme anti-environmental bills in memory. The measure, known as the "Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act," or "TRAIN Act (H.R. 2401)," is set for a final vote.

The TRAIN Act would mandate new interagency economic studies of EPA rules. The bill would delay a recently finalized rule to cut interstate power plant emissions that worsen ozone and particulate pollution, and an upcoming rule to cut mercury and other air toxics from power plants. Twenty seven east coast states, would be affected by the Cross-State Air Pollution rule; the mercury rule would affect many industries across the country.

A key Republican is floating an amendment that would mandate longer minimum delays to the power plant rules than the underlying bill requires.

Not surprisingly, the American Petroleum Institute and the US Chamber of Commerce support the Act. "The TRAIN Act would put the brakes on several of EPA's most damaging regulations until a full study of their cumulative impact is done -- one that includes not only health and social benefits but actual impact on economic competitiveness, trade, energy supplies, consumer spending and jobs," the chamber said in a letter.

Planet hating Republicans and even some moderate Democrats say EPA regulations will impose massive burdens on the economy and cost thousands of jobs.

However, these statements are contradicted by an EPA report released in March finding that between 1990 and 2020, the benefits of Clean Air Act rules will outweigh the costs by a factor of 30 to 1.

The EPA estimates that Clean Air Act rules -- particularly for particle pollution -- will prevent 230,000 premature deaths by 2020. The EPA analysis also takes into account medical expenses averted, including an estimated 120,000 hospital visits.

"The beneficial economic effects of these two improvements alone are projected to more than offset the expenditures for pollution control," it concludes.

These clean air rules are life-savers for Americans suffering from heart disease, asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases. Although detractors argue that clean air is simply too expensive, the facts suggest otherwise.

Top 10 utilities combined profits in 2010 – $28.4 billion.

Return on investments for the smog rule that the President delayed – $37 billion in value for a cost of about $20 billion by 2020.

Costs associated with implementing current Clean Air Act standards in 2010 – $1.3 trillion in public and environmental health benefit at a cost of $50 billion.

According to the National Resources Defense Council, that’s more than 9% of the GDP at a cost of .4% of the GDP – a 26 to1 benefits to costs ratio.

In addition to saving lives, clean air is cost effective.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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The I AM Fighting Climate Change Challenge

Global Green USA is behind the "I AM Fighting Climate Change" challenge. Global warming is causing our sea levels to rise and putting our coastal cities, and the billions of people that live in them, at risk across the globe. Global Green is working hard to protect these cities and other communities affected by climate change.

We are all in this together and Global Green is asking everyone to join together to help stop climate change, by demanding that our leaders invest in green technologies and green jobs now. Everyone is welcome to help make a difference and work for a healthier future.

Coastal cities from New York to New Orleans and Shanghai to Santa Monica are at risk. Through its I am Fighting Climate Change Challenge, Global Green USA is asking for people to get involved: Tell them what coastal city you love, then declare what you plan to do to green your home, neighborhood, school, or city.

For more information or to join click here.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Greenpeace Exposes the Koch Brothers

Greenpeace has been following the climate killing crusades of the infamous Koch brothers for a long time. Greenpeace has reported on how these brothers have used their vast oil wealth and influence to divert huge sums money for massive misinformation campaigns. The Koch brothers are big funders of right-wing think-tanks such as Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute, which they use as part of their propaganda arsenal.

Most recently they reported on a secret meeting of prominent figures at Rancho Mirage in the Californian desert. In June, about 200 key figures in business, energy, the media and law gathered to raise political influence money and fight the Obama administration. According to Politico, some $25 million in donations to Koch-backed groups was pledged at the lunch on the final day, including several individual pledges of $1 million and $12 million by the Koch brothers themselves.

Greenpeace and other organizations sponsored an airship which greeted attendees with the words,"Koch brothers dirty money."

Greenpeace researchers estimated that the 200 or so participants in Aspen contributed more than $61 million to political campaigns between 1990 and 2010. They successfully wielded this influence during the 2010 mid-term elections.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Lego and Mattel Bow to Greenpeace Pressure and Eliminate Unsustainable Packaging

Lego has bowed to Greenpeace pressure and has discontinued its sourcing of packaging made from unsustainable forests. Lego has agreed to drop supplier Asia Pulp and Paper, and vows to use packaging material certified by the Forest Stewardship Council from now on.

Greenpeace considers APP the worst forest offender in Indonesia. The non-profit has requested that all toy companies stop buying paper products from APP and its associates. Greenpeace also called on the companies to implement new sustainable procurement policies for purchase of all pulp and paper products.

Lego has now announced that it is aiming to reduce the amount of packaging material it uses; where possible use only recycled materials; and where a recycled option is not possible, use only FSC-certified fibers.

In addition to welcoming Lego's decision, Greenpeace blamed other major toy companies for their inadequate response to the APP allegations. While they publicly lauded Lego's decision they continued to pressure other toy makers.

Clever pressure campaigns appear to be working. In June Greenpeace scaled Mattel’s headquarters and unfurled a banner featuring a picture of toy Ken that read, “Barbie, it’s over. I don’t date girls that are into deforestation.” The next day, Mattel released a statement confirming that it had put a hold on purchasing supplies that originate from APP, and pledging to create a sustainable procurement policy.

Greepeace has a long history of pressuring reluctant companies to engage more sustainable approaches to commerce. For corporations that refuse to see the wisdom and accept the responsibility, Greenpeace offers another approach to move business towards sustainability.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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Nike and H&M Bow to Greenpeace's Detox Challenge

A Greenpeace initiative known as the "Detox Challenge," is working to create a future free of toxic substances. Nike bowed to pressure from the Greenpeace campaign after only five weeks, and H&M agreed to comply not long after that. Both companies have promised to eliminate hazardous chemicals throughout their entire supply chains.

Nike has vowed to remove hazardous substances from across their entire supply chain, and the entire life-cycle of its products, by 2020. The sportswear giant have also promised to use their influence, knowledge and experience to bring about “widespread elimination” of hazardous chemicals from the clothing industry, Greenpeace says.

“Within eight weeks, Nike Inc. will announce its action plan for the goal of eliminating hazardous chemicals within our supply chain addressing transparency, chemical management, including how we will address the need for industry disclosure in line with right to know principles and a timeline for the elimination of the highest priority hazardous chemicals,” Nike said in a statement. “Nike Inc. is committed to the goal of zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by 2020.”

Most recently Greenpeace asked H&M, Europe’s second largest clothing retailer to commit to eliminating all uses and discharges of hazardous chemicals throughout its entire supply chain. In late summer of 2011, H&M joined Nike, Puma and adidas in pledging to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals from all its product production processes by 2020.

© 2011, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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