COP21 Compact of States and Regions Pledges Emissions Reductions Equivalent to China's Annual Output

A number of state and regional governments have come together and pledged bold climate action at COP21. Together these states and regions have agreed to reduce their emissions output 12.4 GtC02e by 2030. To put that number into perspective that is equivalent to China's current annual emissions output. The Compact currently has the support of 44 states and regions together representing 325 million people and over US$10.5 trillion in GDP – which is one eighth of the global economy.

The Compact of States and Regions was announced at the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2014. It is the first ever single, global account of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets made by state and regional governments. the Compact is supported by the UN and is a partnership between The Climate Group, CDP, R20 and nrg4SD.

The first Compact of States and Regions disclosure report was released at the 21st Conference of Parties to the UNFCCCC (COP21) in Paris, December 2015.

On December 7, The Climate Group published an infographic visualizing the first-ever climate data to be reported to Compact of States and Regions.

Source: The Climate Group

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