Being Hopeful About the COP21 Climate Deal (Video)

After more than 12 days of negotiations, a final draft climate deal text was unveiled at COP21 in Paris. This most recent draft took more than 20 years and it is expected that it will be signed this afternoon. The deal was aided by strong leadership from nations like Canada and the US.

In the thick of the negotiations last week US Secretary of State John Kerry told world leaders that the United States wants to get even more ambitious over the next couple days.

Kerry said that the US has joined the "High Ambition Coalition," in calling for a robust deal. The US also doubled its financial contributions to vulnerable countries impacted by climate change ($861 million is being contributed by the US by 2020).

"The situation demands—and this moment demands—that we do not leave Paris without an ambitious, inclusive, and durable global climate agreement," Kerry said. "Our aim can be nothing less than a steady transformation of the global economy."

Here is a video from Climate Desk released on December 9 indicating why we should be hopeful about a climate deal.

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