Hundreds of US Companies and Investors Support the Clean Power Plan

American companies and investors have signed a Ceres letter supporting the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan. A total of 365 companies and investors signed the letter which was sent to 29 US governors, just ahead of the release of the Clean Power Plan on August 3rd.

On July 27th, a number of American companies announced a partnership with the White House through which they revealed their plans to tackle climate change. As part of this initiative a total of 13 companies have pledged to invest more than $140 billion to cut carbon emissions. This includes some of the largest brands in the US. Bank of America, General Motors, Cargill, Google, Microsoft and Apple to name 6 of the 13 companies that are onboard.

The 365 businesses and investors that sent a letter in support of the Clean Power Plan include a wide range of business from small local companies to large enterprises like General Mills, Mars, Nestle, Staples and Unilever who are present in all 50 states.

The fact that so many companies and investors signed the Ceres letter should come as no surprise given the number of companies that are already engaged in sustainability. A 2014 Ceres, Calvert Investments and WWF study revealed that 60 percent of Fortune 100 companies have already set their own clean energy targets. The research further shows that carbon reduction efforts makes good business sense.

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Video - The EPA's Clean Power Plan
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