Greenpeace Stalls Arctic Drilling by Blocking Shell's Ice Breaker (Video)

Late in July an icebreaker that is crucial to Shell's drilling operation in the Arctic sea was turned back by Greenpeace activists in Portland, Oregon. Activists spent almost 2 days suspended from St. Johns Bridge, while others took to kayaks in Willamette River below. However they managed to block Shell's icebreaker, the MSV Fennica from leaving the city on July 30th. The emergency equipment on-board the Fennica is essential for Shell's drilling activities in the Arctic.

Hundreds of people gathered on the dock in support of the Greenpeace protest. After being threatened with fines of up to $10,000 an hour, law enforcement succeed in removing the activists from the area allowing the Fennica to pass. Here is a video report from Democracy Now.

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