Family Health and the Clean Power Plan (Videos)

Not only will the Clean Power Plan help to protect future generations from climate change it will protect the health of families.

Air pollution increases respiratory illness in vulnerable populations. It is projected that the EPA's green power plan could prevent 3,500 deaths, 1,000 hospital admissions from heart and lung disease, 220 heart attacks.

In the video below two families talk about the ways that their health and their lives have been impacted by poor air quality. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy joins the families to discuss how climate change is predicted to negatively impact air quality, which in turn impacts people's health. She explains how the EPA's Clean Power Plan will help to reduce harmful carbon pollution, and why our country must act now on climate change.

The Obama administration and the EPA are combating the sources of pollution that are contributing to climate change and posing serious health risks to the general population. Thanks to the Clean Power Plan millions of kids will have fewer asthma attacks in the future.

The Health Benefits of Combating Climate Change and the Clean Power Plan
The Clean Power Plan for the Health of Latinos: Congresswomen SƔnchez Testimonmy to the EPA

President Obama Introduces and Explains the Clean Power Plan
Republicans at Odds with Americans on Climate Change and the Clean Power Plan
Clean Power Plan: Business Opportunities and Economic Benefits
Hundreds of US Companies and Investors Support the Clean Power Plan
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The EPA's Efforts to Reign in Climate Pollution from New Power Plants and the Supreme Court
Coal vs EPA: The Benefits of the Clean Power Plan Far Outweigh Costs
The EPA's Clean Power Plan and US Energy Efficiency
Video - The EPA's Clean Power Plan
Infographic - Obama's Clean Power Plan Explained
US GHGs and the EPA's Clean Power Plan (Infographic)
Congresswoman Linda Sanchez in Support of the Clean Power Plan
Support of the EPA's Clean Power Plan


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