Webinar - California Cap and Trade Program: Everything Businesses Need to Know

The one hour complimentary webinar on California's Cap and Trade Program will take place on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 2pm EDT. It will provide an in-depth look at how California's carbon market works and show you what you need to know to craft a cogent compliance strategy.

As part of California’s Assembly Bill 32, the California cap-and-trade program seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels. By placing a hard cap on emissions and setting up a market based mechanism, California has placed a price on carbon emissions covered by the program.

Companies covered by the cap-and-trade program must purchase California Carbon Allowances (CCAs) to cover their emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Companies can also use offset credits as a lower cost alternative to CCAs for compliance.

In this webinar, ICIS carbon market analysts will give you an introduction into the carbon market and give you the insight you need to create your market strategy.

Whether you have a compliance obligation or are just interested in learning more about the landmark California cap-and-trade program please join us to get our view of carbon markets.

There will be time for questions.

Expert Panel

Jan Frommeyer, Director of Market Analysis, ICIS

Jan is Director of Market Analysis at ICIS, a global price, news and analytics provider in the Reed Elsevier Group. He is managing data, analytics and modelling of emissions trading markets with a focus on Europe, Australia and California. He joined ICIS following the acquisition of Tschach Solutions in June 2013.

Jan co-founded and managed Tschach Solutions together with Ingo Tschach since its inception in May 2010. He was responsible for political analysis and price modelling based on a behaviour-driven market model approach. Tschach Solutions provides carbon market data, forecasts and analysis for trade-active carbon market professionals in global offset markets and the EU ETS like major utilities, banks, industrials and also regulators.

Jonathan C. Ornelas, Director of U.S. Emissions Markets, ICIS

Jonathan is the Director of U.S. Emissions Markets for ICIS, a news and analytics provider part of the Reed Elsevier Group. Before joining ICIS, Jonathan had over 8 years of experience in the U.S. energy industry working for Sempra Energy and Noble Americas Energy Solutions. He brings experience from both the power and gas markets and focused on operations and analytics ranging from load and price forecasting, portfolio optimization, to regulatory affairs.

To register for this webinar click here.

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