Business Guidance for Turning Climate Change Risks into Opportunties

Here is a guide to help businesses turn climate change risks into opportunities. Those who see the writing on the wall are adapting by developing goods and services that are more resilient, use less resources and minimize emissions. Many corporations are developing sustainable technologies, investments and services for a resource constrained world. Those who are not preparing for the world of tomorrow are walking blindly into catastrophe.

A report titled “Value Chain Climate Resilience: A Guide To Managing Climate Impacts in Companies and Communities,” shows how companies like Starbucks, Swiss Re, Levi Strauss, Calvert Investments, Earth Networks, Entergy and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters are making changing to accommodate shifting realities.

The 40-page report and guide states that climate change is not part of some distant future it is here with us now and it will only get worse. The business community must adapt to a wide range of realities including extreme weather events. 

Part of the guidance takes the form of a business tool called  "ADAPT" which stands for, analyze, develop, assess, prioritize and tackle tool. The tool follows a step-by-step climate resilience framework inspired by existing good practice risk management models.

Click here to download the report and guide. 


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