Event - Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference

The 2nd annual Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference will take place on Thursday, June 5 - 6, 2014, at the Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto, Ontario. Last year, nearly two hundred inspired thought leaders, decision makers, sustainability practitioners, and educators gathered for the first Accelerate: Collaborating for Sustainability Conference.

The Natural Step Canada is convening Accelerate because they along with the organizations they work with, realize that an organization can only go so far alone on their sustainability journey before they run up against barriers that require them to work with new partners.

Accelerate will offer a unique opportunity to deepen learning about collaboration from experts and practitioners, to experience collaboration by creating connections with other change agents, and to seed new collaborative initiatives. Using a mix of plenary, breakout, and group sessions, we will showcase the expertise and real life experience of dozens of speakers from across all sectors and backgrounds.

Accelerate will include keynote talks from world-renowned experts, sessions delivered by talented practitioners, and interactive workshops and dialogues. Please check out the Agenda, which will allow for extensive networking and collaboration opportunities.

It’s all about sharing and learning together. It's a different kind of conference.

Keynote Presenters

Jenn Heil: Freestyle Mogul Skier; Multiple Olympic Medalist, World Cup Champion, and World Champion; Canadian Female Athlete of the Year Honoree; Co-Founder, B2ten; Analyst, Sochi Winter Olympic Games, CBC

Nicholas R. Parker: Founding Managing Partner, Global Acceleration Partners Inc.; Founding Chairman, Cleantech Group Inc.; Former Chairman, Corporate Knights Media Ltd.

Dr. Peter Senge: Senior Lecturer in Leadership & Sustainability, MIT Sloan School of Management; Founding Chair, Society for Organizational Learning (SoL); Author, The Fifth Discipline and The Necessary Revolution

Avrim Lazar: Former CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada; Champion of the Canadian Boreal Initiative.

For more information or to register click here.


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