Video - Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson Talks about Renewables on the David Letterman Show (Part 2)

On the David Letterman Show, Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson states that to combat climate change all new electricity must be derived from renewable energy. This is already largely the case in both the US (50 percent) and Europe (70 percent). David Letterman indicates that he has invested in wind, solar and geothermal in his home. While Jacobson acknowledges that there is a great deal that individual citizens can do in terms of installing renewable energy, he also clearly states that we need government policy and mandates. Jacobson also explains that we need to educate the public to help expedite the transition to clean energy. He concludes by saying "everything will be ok if we put our mind to is a social and political problem primarily."

To read more about Jacobson's clean energy plan click here.

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