Event - PAGE Global Conference: Green Economy for Sustainable Development: Progress and Prospects

The First Global PAGE Conference "Green Economy for Sustainable Development: Progress and Prospects," will take place on March 4 -5, 2014, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is a joint initiative by UNEP, ILO, UNIDO and UNITAR to provide comprehensive assistance to countries seeking to develop and implement inclusive green economy strategies. The inaugural conference will be held under the Patronage of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

The conference will be an opportunity to review international experience and progress related to green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. It will also consider how greener economies can contribute to the emerging post-2015 development agenda.

More than 300 participants representing governments, the private sector, civil society and development agencies are expected to attend.

The objectives of the conference are the following:

1. Take stock of best practices and lessons learned in advancing an inclusive green economy through policy reforms and shifting investment into key areas of the economy that produce jobs, social equity and income;

2. Share this knowledge through interactive thematic sessions geared toward developing a set of general principles and policy recommendations to realize economic, social and environmental benefits from transitioning to inclusive green economies; and

3. Explore the multiple pathways and partnerships – including PAGE - available to countries as they lead these transitions within their national contexts.

The conference will open with a high-level session with the Prime Minister of UAE, ministers from developed and developing countries, and senior officials of United Nations agencies and development institutions, including UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. This session will be followed by parallel thematic discussions on issues relevant for advancing inclusive green economies.

An outcome document – consisting of a set of general principles and policy recommendations to realise economic, social and environmental benefits from transitioning to inclusive, environmentally friendly and resource-efficient green economies – will be produced at the end of the conference.

To learn more about PAGE click here.

To see the full agenda for the PAGE Conference click here.

To register click here.

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