Event - Staging Sustainability 2014

Canada's first conference on sustainable practice in the performing arts will take place on Sunday February 2 to Wednesday February 5, 2014, in Toronto, Ontario.

Staging Sustainability is a chance to be inspired by what the future might hold for the Canadian performance scene, to take up today’s challenges with the latest technology, and to learn from case studies of organizations like yours who have creatively addressed our common challenges.

Staging Sustainability will be the largest gathering of innovative sustainability practitioners in the world. For artistic and technical leaders, it will be an unparalleled opportunity to network with peers, learn about the latest money-saving practices and initiatives for arts facilities, how we make and tech shows, the changing role of designers and programmers, and the integration of innovation into often aging systems.

Delegates will come away with ideas and best practices to address key questions including:

• How do managers and production staff integrate sustainable practice into performance and events? - Hear from Julie’s Bicycle (UK) and others about best practices and pitfalls to avoid

• How is sustainable thinking changing the way we make and tech shows? - Hear from a scenery, lighting, and sound designer, the Seattle Repertory Theatre, as well professionals versed in production including technical management, electronics as well as structural and mechanical design for the stage and scenery.

• How can we rethink how we use and manage our materials to reduce our waste, save money and build community? - Hear from leaders that have explored alternative ways that have helped their bottom line

Staging Sustainability programming includes plenary sessions, concurrent sessions and workshops, as well as a trade show and performances.

Click here for more information or to register.

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