The US House of Representatives Anti-Environment Voting Record in 2013

A new report from Henry Waxman (D-CA), shows that the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted for anti-environment positions 109 times. The 113th Congress is almost as bad as the 112th Congress which was called "the most anti-environment House of Representatives in history" by Waxman and Ed Markey (D-MA).

The Waxman report shows that House members:
  • Voted 51 times to to protect the interests of the oil and gas industry at the expense of the environment and human health
  • Voted 20 times to weaken the Clean Air Act
  • Voted 20 times to block or hinder federal carbon emissions regulations
  • Voted 27 times to cut clean energy and energy efficiency funding and block clean energy policies,
  • Voted 37 times to weaken the Clean Water Act and other regulatory efforts to improve water quality
The woeful voting record in the House should come as not surprise when you consider just how much money is being funneled to members of Congress from the fossil fuel industry. As reported by Think Progress, 160 representatives from the 113th Congress accepted more than $55.5 million from the fossil fuel industry, and 56 percent of the Republican caucus in 2013′s House of Representatives deny the reality of climate change.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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