The End of Incandescent Light Bulbs and the Dawn of Lighting Efficiency Mandates

The era of the incandescent light bulb is coming to an end. The governments of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia and South Korea introduced measures to phase out most incandescent light bulbs. The measures came into effect on January 1, 2014. These countries joined the EU, Russia, Brazil and other nations that have already banned most incandescent lights.

Phase-out regulations effectively prohibit the manufacture, importation or sale of current incandescent light bulbs for general lighting. The regulations would allow sale of future versions of incandescents if they are sufficiently energy efficient.

Compact fluorescent lamps or CFL's may be the next form of lighting to be banned as they contain mercury a potent neurotoxin, which is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. CFLs are also criticized for starting poorly when very cold, and most types cannot be dimmed.

The best option at present are LED lights which last longer and use less energy than either incandescent or CFL lighting.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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