Extreme Cold in North America is due to Stratospheric Warming

The extreme cold temperatures that are being recorded across much of North America are attributable to stratospheric warming which is pushing the polar vortex southward. While the Climate skeptics, love to use cold weather to question the veracity of global warming, it should come as no surprise that they are confused.

Just as one extreme weather event does not prove global warming, a cold snap does not disprove it. Further, there is evidence that this extreme cold may actually be a corollary of climate change.

Despite the cold snap, there is a clear global warming trend. There is also an unmistakable trajectory of warmer winters in North America over the last century which has gotten worse over the last couple of decades.

While the evidence of warming lends credence to the scientific consensus on climate change, occasional cold spells may also support global warming.

The polar vortex is bringing the extreme cold weather to much of North America. A polar vortex is a whirlwind of extremely cold, extremely dense air that forms near the poles. Slower wind speeds can cause this cold air to spill southward which may have been triggered by a sudden stratospheric warming event.

© 2013, Richard Matthews. All rights reserved.

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  1. "While the evidence of warming lends credence to the scientific consensus on climate change, occasional cold spells may also support global warming."

    So, what kind of event would it take to make you question the theory? One of the things that makes warming agnostics like myself see red is the fact that climate alarmists have set the rules so that they can absolutely never be proven wrong.

  2. You need to look at the clear warming trends on both land and at sea (beginning at the dawn of the industrial revolution and continuing to the present day). How many decades of replicated, peer reviewed science does it take for you to accept the facts? No phenomenon has received more scrutiny and few have garnered more of a scietific consensus than anthropogenic climate change. You either do not understand the scientific method, or you are being paid by old energy interests to misinform. You are not an agnostic, you are more aptly described as a climate denier.
